6: Wallbanger

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Never would I have signed up to join the army, yet somehow my life was now otherwise controlled by a blonde haired drill sergeant

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Never would I have signed up to join the army, yet somehow my life was now otherwise controlled by a blonde haired drill sergeant. In another universe I would have already buried her under the ground of my apartment building or fired her, but that was not the universe I presently lived in. I was reminded of that every single time she opened her mouth.

"Eddie I swear to god if you don't walk faster I will drag you to the terminal." Olivia looked over her shoulder and growled at me like some kind of feral animal.

"We're the only ones here Wilson. Not exactly a lot of foot traffic at 6:00 AM in the morning." I relaxed my face, my lips dutifully turning up into a smirk.

About an hour and a half later I found myself waiting to step on to a plane to sit next to the youngest dictator of her own foreign country. Hands were almost thrown when it came down to deciding who would get the window seat. I told her she could kick rocks and find a new job unless I got the coveted spot. She mumbled something about an abuse of power but I was too exhausted to listen or really care.

I reclined my chair back and poked Olivia in the rib to get her attention.

"I'm gonna take a nap. Will you get me a drink if they came around?" I asked as nicely as I possibly could, but I'm sure if you asked Olivia she'd find some way to have taken offense to a simple request. That was her usual MO.

"Well of course my liege." She said back with the faintest hit of aggravation. I frowned immediately. That was only funny when Dustin said it. I shrugged it off and closed my eyes.


I wasn't sure how much time had passed when I finally woke up. I looked over at Olivia and she had her nose deep in a book. I went to stretch my arms out when I almost knocked over a little glass tumbler on the tray table in front of me.

"This isn't whiskey." I pushed my eyebrows together.

"What an observant one you are! Gold star for you!" Olivia cheered sarcastically before rolling her eyes and digging back into her book. I was well aware that I had a tendency to be an asshole to Olivia, but she gave it as good as she got it. Don't ever forget that.

"...What even is this?" I asked curiously, holding the glass up and examining its contents.

"It's called a Harvey Wallbanger."

I looked over at Olivia and she had the biggest smirk on her face. I laughed and shook my head. Damn. She got me there.

"Touché Wilson. Touché."

My eyes focused on her again and I swear I almost saw her pop a little smile. I could count on one hand the number of times I'd actually ever made that girl sport a genuine toothy grin, so I figured I could go ahead and add this as a half point. Or half a finger, rather.

"What's our schedule like when we get back?" I asked. I had no idea what I was doing from day to day, so I guess in that sense Olivia Wilson was valuable. She got me from point A to point B, because I usually had no clue where I was going next.

Olivia pulled out her fancy color coded and tabbed date book and flipped through a couple pages. "I think it's mostly just studio time for the rest of the month. Your next shows not until March, unless you want to do something local."

"Oh I'll do something local alright." A cocky grin found its way on to my face. Olivia scoffed and looked at me like I'd said I wanted to eat moldy fruit, so I winked at her.

"Wink at me one more time Munson and I'll cut your eyes out with a spoon." She said a little too seriously for my liking.

"Oh lighten up Wilson. I'm just messing with you. No need to get your pretty little leopard print panties in a bunch." It was right there. I couldn't help myself.

"Can we not talk about my panties, please?" She asked exasperatedly and I swear she blushed a little. There was nothing for her to be ashamed about. Her ass looked fantastic in the animal print panties. Totally spankable. Is that a word? Spankable? Whatever. It is now. Shit. Now I'm kinda hard. Time to flip through the safety brochure and plan my counter attack for when Olivia inevitably tries to throw me out the emergency exit. Anyways...

For whatever reason, I just couldn't let this panties thing go. There were way too many jokes to be made.

"It's okay Olivia. You don't have to be embarrassed just because I'm the last guy to see you in your underwear in the last decade. It's okay. Really. I accept you regardless." Olivia glared at me immediately and I felt my leg cross over the other to protect myself from her fist if she decided to finally punch me in the balls. I saw her hand shift and flinched reflexively.

"Well you should be embarrassed about the fact that the pussy you always say you're drowning in is just random drunk and lonely women at parties who lack any form of self respect."

"Hey now! Don't attack those ladies! They were nice ladies!" I said, defending my previous conquests. Though, Olivia had a bit of a point. In fact, since she started bossing me around the bar I'd set for hookups was pretty nonexistent. I didn't even finish last night, but I also didn't even really care. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Fair. Ms. Cowboy Hat at least had the decency to projectile vomit out the window of my car and not inside it. Not everyone on this plane can say the same." Ouch. Point taken.

"Though I think my favorite was Ms. Neck Tattoo. She said I had really pretty hair while we waited for you in the car."

I laughed to myself. "Yeah, Ms. Neck Ta— I mean Mindy, was very very sweet." She was sweet because she didn't say anything when I almost moaned out Olivia instead of Mindy. Bullet dodged.

"Damn. I'm shocked you remember her name." Olivia smirked at me again and I'll be damned if it wasn't obnoxiously hot.

I caught myself venturing back into the more explicit thoughts about what else Olivia's lips could do when it occurred to me that the timing of everything seemed a little...convenient. I stopped caring about the various beautiful women in my bed when Olivia Wilson came back into my life. Fuck. This girl is absolutely ruining my sex life with the residency she's taken up in my head. She manages to cockblock me even when she's not physically around. For some reason my mind keeps putting her face on all the girls I bring home, and that is a big, big problem; one I need to remedy immediately if I ever want to cum again, and I very much want to cum again.

On her.

With her.


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