8: Say Please**

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The following morning I met with the band in the recording studio in the city

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The following morning I met with the band in the recording studio in the city. My hip bumped into the door as I opened it and stepped inside. My hands full of coffee for myself and the guys. Jeff and Gareth were busy working on something in the booth with Dustin, leaving Eddie just swirling gently side to side in the swivel chair he was sitting in. My eyes met his and I squeezed them together, aggravated that he could clearly see that I needed help and yet refused to offer me any assistance.

"Oh shit! Thanks Liv!" Dustin said as he walked over and helped me with the coffee while taking his own.

"Thank you Dustin! You're such a sweetheart." I said pleasantly while glaring into Eddie's eyes and then at the ground.


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"Here's yours." I shoved Eddie's coffee towards him and as he reached for it I imagined myself throwing the scalding hot drink is his face. I can dream, can't I?

"See something you like?" Eddie smirked, noticing that I had been staring at him that entire time.

"Oh fuck off." I grumbled. I sat at the desk in the room and went over some business plans while the guys worked. Hours passed and it was already the middle of the day. Dustin, Gareth, and Jeff got up and headed towards the door.

"Liv, you coming to grab some food with us?" Gareth asked. I shook my head back.

"I have to get some work done. Next time though!" I waved to the guys.

"Eddie, you coming?" Dustin asked. Eddie for some reason stared at me, watching for my reaction. I went back to my work and disengaged.

"Not this time. I want to work out the solo on that one." Eddie said, referring to the song they'd been working on all morning. The guys nodded and left the room, leaving me and Eddie alone. My gaze fell on Eddie, sitting in his chair, gently plucking at his guitar. Eddie might be the biggest egomaniacal jackass alive, but he was also an incredibly talented musician. In fact, the only times I didn't fantasize about feeding him to a pack of wild starving grizzly bears were when he was playing his guitar.

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