30: God Damn Traitorous Cat

195 10 36

September 1994

"Basil if you touch that again so help me —" My frustration is cut off with a loud meow that I can only imagine was Basil telling me to go fuck myself

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"Basil if you touch that again so help me —" My frustration is cut off with a loud meow that I can only imagine was Basil telling me to go fuck myself. We were moving in to a new apartment. After I left Steve officially took over my old room and now I had to find a place to live. It wasn't a hassle, I'd found an apartment on the same floor as my old one, keeping me nice and close to my friends. We left some of Basil's things in Robin's apartment. He liked to spend time there so we essentially shared custody. He'd finally decided Steve was an acceptable human and greeted him happily too.

I was trying to load in boxes when Basil continued to attack the cord of my new landline phone. It rang once so far that day and it was just Nancy seeing if there was anything she and Jonathan could do to help me move. There wasn't. I'd filled a little trailer of my stuff that'd I'd been storing at my parents while I made my cross country road trip.

I pulled my door closed and went down to retrieve another armful of stuff from my car. With a big box in my arms I made my way towards the entrance when a leather jacket clad arm pushed the main door open for me.

"Need any help?"


"No Eddie, I don't." I answered without even looking at him. I could feel his eyes and body following me to the elevator.

"You know stalking is a crime, right?" I asked after I pushed the 7th floor button and noticed he didn't even bother pushing one of his own.

"Not stalking sweetheart. Just going to a friends." He said casually.

"We are not friends." I spat back. Can he get any more delusional?

"Wasn't talking about you. Buckley and I are going to see a movie later with Dustin and she said I could hang out in her apartment." Shit.


Saved by the bell. The elevator door opened and I stormed off to my apartment. Eddie took his time strolling along several feet behind me. I shifted the box I'd been in carrying in my arms and opened my door and stepped inside.

"See you around Wilson." Eddies voice echoed through the hall. A bolt of black and white fur went zooming by me as Basil made a mad dash towards the familiar voice.

"Shit!" I shouted as I ran after my cat. Before I could get down the hall Basil had already thrown himself into Eddie's arms and started rubbing his head against Eddie's chin, purring so happily he sounded like a damn Ferrari engine. What a fucking betrayal.

"At least someone missed me." Eddie smirked.

"Need I remind you he's a cat and has no idea you're actually an adulterous asshole?" I snarked back marching towards him.

"Cats are supposed to be supremely talented judges of character." By now I'm pretty sure that smirk is a permanent fixture of his face.

"That may be true but Basil's never been an Ivy League genius." I rolled my eyes and reached my hands out to grab him back. Eddie smashed his eyebrows together in a frown and whipped his body away from me.

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