Chapter 33

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"He's all over me, I can tell. He's simply head over heals." Perrie smirked, looking at her three best friends.

"Perrie, I think this is going a bit too far now. If he really likes you, then this could be your chance at the start of true love." A fourteen year old Leigh-Anne spoke.

"Love? Really Leigh? I can worry about love when I'm thirty. Now I'm young and free and I have the hottest boyfriend one could simply imagine, who by the way has the hots for me." Perrie boasted once more.

"But what you're doing isn't right. You have Zayn, and Nate and Luke. Zayn is the only one out of these names that seems to really care for you. Don't destroy that." Jade added.

Perrie's look of self-satisfaction dropped immediately into and an annoyed expression. She uncrossed her arms and leaned dangerously close to the three girls faces, sighing in agitation.

"Look. I like Zayn and all that, but he wants to be around me 24/7 and it is annoying as hell. I thought I could get used to the stupid habit, but it just got worse. I needed fresh meat. I still need fresh meat. Don't judge me. When you finally have boyfriends', you'd know what it is like to always be around one." She railed.

No further words were spoken, and Perrie smirked in bliss at how quick the girls were to shut their mouths. To her, Zayn was just yet another idiotic kid in her class who obsessed over her. He's rather lucky, she didn't reject him. Now that would be embarrassing.


"Where have you been, I've been trying to reach you for hours! Now we're late." A fifteen year old Zayn Malik yelled in slight annoyance.

"Relax babe, its just a movie, we have a more time alone anyway." Perrie purred.

Zayn sat quiet, knowing that he couldn't pass up Perrie's offer. But at the same time he couldn't not be angry at her, knowing that she knows how much he wanted to go and see that movie.

"How about this." Perrie began. "We'll go down to that movie store down the road, and find a movie to watch in the comfort of the bedroom." She finished.

Wanting to spend as much time as he could with the blonde, he nodded stiffly and got up, picking up his wallet. Distracted, he did not notice the confident smirk that grew on Perrie's face,  and he could not hear her selfish thoughts about Zayn being 'putty' in her hands.

The pair walked down the road, hand in hand, side by side. To Zayn, this was a real feeling, and he wanted to tell her then and there about his new 'money income' but feared that she would run for the hills in fear of the truth.

He opened the doors of the store, so Perrie could walk through first, before he walked in, closing the door behind him. 

"Can you go and find a movie? I want to get a few snacks from the vending machine right there." Zayn asked, handing Perrie a few pounds, to which she nodded and continued to walk by. 

As he took out  a few KitKat's and Skittle bags, he felt the air thicken within seconds. He looked around for a few minutes, waiting to see if something bad was happening. 


He quickly pulled out the snacks from little hole in the machine, and put them in one of the shopping bags. 

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