Chapter 35

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A/N Its been too happy. Get ready !! P.s important note at the end. Please read.


"So 1x + 3x+ 4c+8c would simply be.."

"...4x +  12c?" 

"Yes! Well done. See? Its easy. You just have to add the like terms. Progress." I clapped, looking away from Harry to take a sip of my water.

"I know its easy. But when they start adding the alphabets then it all goes wrong in my head." He laughed.

"I used to be like that, but my mum made it easier to understand." I told him, flipping to the next page of the homework.

"I thought we were only meant to do page 16." Harry said confused.

"We were. But we're just doing to more questions so I know if you actually understand." I replied.

He nodded and without saying anything he started doing the other two I highlighted.

Five or four days ago, we had a math test. As usual, I got a B. Harry on the other hand made it with an E. For this reason he got told by the teacher that he needs to up his grade in the next three tests plus the end of term which is in three weeks, or else he won't have enough credit to graduate senior year.

That's where I step in.

Harry didn't want to ask anyone else  in the class to tutor him because its a "pride" thing.  So I kindly offered, since I'm basically dating 1/5 of his bestfriends'. Of course this all had to be done before the GCSE'S which was right after end of term. Panic is something that is has been pulsing through my system these past couple of days, because I didn't have any plans to go to college, but I have to just in case my original plan doesn't work out.

"Frankie!" Harry yelled, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What?" 

"I was saying I'm done."

"Oh, okay. Then I guess we're done for the day."  I said, standing up.

"But I have spanish homework..." Harry said.

"Its not due tomorrow."

"I know but I just want to do it now because I'll be busy tomorrow."

"If you insist." I said, setting my things back on the table.

I took out my laptop from my bag, because we had to watch a video on the verb "gustar". 

"We have to watch a video, so I'll let it load." I said awkwardly clicking on the video.

As we sat there in an unsettling silence, I couldn't help but notice how tense the environment had become, almost as if we had become strangers.

"So how are things with you and Zayn?" Harry suddenly asked, which caught me off guard. Harry and I never talk. And when we do talk, its mostly about homework, or a new song, or sometimes even a new movie. Sometimes I feel like he just wants to make conversation because I'm dating Zayn. Other times, I think he genuinely wants to know me. But I thought of those moments rarely. But now, it's one of those thoughts.

"We're good, thanks for asking." I smiled, and turned back to the computer screen.

Harry nodded his head and continued.

"You seem to really like him..." he pushed further.

"But I can't put my tongue on it, I don't know if its love or lust."

Okay this is getting a bit too awkward now. I watched him silently, as he continued

"Tell me something Frankie. Is it love or lust?" he smirked.

Lust? That's not the main reason I'm far deep in with Zayn. Love? I'm not that deep in either. Sometimes I think about it and I really don't know where my heart stands. I've never been in love before, and it is not like family love.  

"I-I I'm not sure Iv'e never thought about it." I stuttered.

"Hmm. But, you should know. Maybe not love him, but on the verge of spitting out the three little words maybe?" He said, coming closer, and closer until he reached my ear.

"Or lust. Whenever you see him, down to your core you want him to touch you in all the right places and f-"

"I don't think that way!" I said, bursting up from my seat, and shifting far away from him. Its official. Harry Styles is a dickhead.

He smirked and crossed his hands behind his neck, looking at me deviously.

"Well if its not lust, then its love isn't it? You love Zayn?" he sneered.

As uncomfortable as ever, I shut my laptop lid and put it in my bag, anger pulsing through my veins.

"I think we're done here." I said with antipathy lacing my words. 

I swung my bag over my shoulder and ram through the un shut door, heading out of Harry's house.

But I couldn't escape it. Deep down, I knew he might have been right.


Oh.My.God!! WTF is wrong with me!!! I cannot begin to tell you how incredibly sorry I am. And to bounce back with such a shitty chapter?!?!?!?  Wow. I'm sorry, but i have not given up on this book, I hope you haven't either!! I've been working so hard at school, and my new book. (which i'm super proud of) But you know how wattpad is. Currently, I legit have zero reads, but if you could check it out, it would mean the world!!! And again. I am so sorry. I'm updating every weekend now, because I'm gonna try working real hard on my new book.

Its called -Sins. So check it out :*

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