Chapter 20

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I find myself counting the seconds, turn into minutes, turn into hours, turn into days.

Its been three days since he came up here, and violated me in the worst way possible.

I found myself randomly shivering sometimes, just at the thought of him. I couldn't cry anymore and felt like my tear ducts had just given up. 

Crying wasn't going to save me and I had to accept that.


"Well then find away Liam, I don't care if you have to hack into the CCTV footage, I won't say it again. Just find her!" I screamed.

"Listen, Zayn! Do you know how dangerous that is!  You know what happened the last time! Trust me when I say we are talking years in jail!  We could do everything, but I'm not getting caught! We're in young mate. Just let it go." he yelled back.

I sighed and covered my hands over my eyes.

The pat few days had been frustrating.There was always a gnawing at my chest whenever I thought of what I'd caused.

"Look, I know what you're trying to say. I get that we could end up in jail. But this is basically our  fault. She just became my responsibility, and we screwed up and got her get kidnapped. Worst of all, by Gabe. I'm not too crazy about her. But, she didn't deserve this. Please, can't you just. . .try at least. I'll take the fall if anything happens." I said calmly one last time.

Liam looked at me for a moment, and then back at the computer in front of him.

He sighed and logged into it. I couldn't help the smile creeping onto my face.

The last few days had been hell and back. I would never ever forgive myself if I had been the cause of an innocent death. Countless times I had had a man's blood on my hands. Never an innocent's. I knew the reason Gabe took her was because he was trying to get to me. He knew I would react like this. If our relationship was realer, I knew I would have shot anyone and anything that tried to get in my way from getting to her. She was a kind-hearted girl. She didn't deserve what she was going through. I had been down everyone's neck ever since I saw the video.

We'd only broke into CCTV about five times and obviously Liam remembered all the passwords and configurations he had to do. My worry was that we wouldn't find what we were looking for. 

A few days ago, we had told Frankie's sister that she had gone to a short trip with the rest of the girls and would be back in a few days. She was wary at first, but grew on to believe us. What we planned to tell her after the rescue was that Frankie had gotten a really bad injury and had to be hospitalized.

Suddenly, Liam opened up a page with cameras all over the screen. He typed in last week's date and address.

 Everything came up. we watched slowly until the footage of outside the club came up. There was no sound, so we had to concentrate and watch intently.

Gabe entered the club and came back out and after a while he came back out.

Then afterwards he went back in, we went to the footage inside the club, where I realized everyone was dancing so you couldn't really see us.

Our eyes followed Gabe's figure, as he went towards the middle where he was staring at something. 

Then I saw it.  

We were both drunk. Frankie and I were dancing and kissing intently. Explains why he might have pieced together the fact that Frankie and I were an item.

 When Gabe pulled out a  gun, he pulled three shots, and everyone scattered around.

I watched as Liam led the girls out of the club, and Harry pulled out a gun as well protecting the girl he had under his arm.

I watched as Gabe lunged at me and I punched him in the face. When he wasn't looking, I kneed his head. He fell off me, and I was about to hit him again, but someone pulled me off him.

As I tried to get out of their grip, Gabe took Frankie's hand, and led her out of the club roughly.

We looked at the outside footage again.

Gabe tried to get her in the car, but she wouldn't budge so he slapped her and shoved her in, driving away.

Liam closed the screen.

"He might be in his quarters." Liam suggested, breaking the silence.


"What now though?"

"Gather everyone, get all the boys on this, get our best guys on this, tell em' to pack up, we leave tonight."

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