Chapter 2

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I woke up that morning feeling rather excited. It was my third day in the UK, and to say I was loving it would be a tremendous understatement. The life I was living was nothing compared to what I had been living as soon as I touched down in Heathrow. 

On the second day, Sacari and I had a day in, just catching up, from her showing me her favourite movies and TV shows,  and her showing me her favourite spots to get quick snacks, and spending some sister time together. We did things like, painting our nails, doing our hair, dressing up, and we ordered a takeout. She even had time to catch me up on certain slangs I should get accustomed to. After a little bit, we FaceTime'd Mum and Grandma, and they were doing alright. 

Now it was the third day, Monday, and I started school today, thus me waking up super excited. Most people would hate school, better yet the first day, but to me, school is something I really want to experience since I missed most of it anyway, and now, I could, since I missed about half of last year, I was now starting my senior year or sixth form. I walked to the bathroom and began to take off my clothes, and jumped into the shower, letting the warmth take over me. My shower lasted about 10 minutes, then after I got dressed in a new outfit. My clothes included a simple back tee with a red rose in the centre, blue jeans ripped at the knees and my favourite Vans. I didn't bring much in terms of clothing with me; I never had too much because I didn't need to. If I wasn't at home doing everyday house duties, I was in school, before I stopped. If I needed some kind of space, I was in the park near the old neighbourhood for no more than three to four hours, working on my art. I put my long bouncy hair in a ponytail and used gel to sleek back my bangs.When I was done, I grabbed my school bag and went downstairs to meet the cheery face of my sister.

"Good morning." I greeted kindly, sitting by the counter.

"Morning babe, are you excited? And I made pancakes." She replied.

"I'm really excited, and thank you!" I beeped at the sound of pancakes.

Sacari smiled at me and handed me a fresh plate of pancakes with orange juice.

"You'll be fine today, you'll make loads of new friends and get detentions and good grades, like any other school kid."

I laughed at her silly excuse of a pep talk, nonetheless, appreciating every part of it.

"Thanks for the encouragement. But I'm running late, so I'll eat these in the car." I said with a mouthful of pancakes, picking up the plate.

"Don't you have to be there before 9?" she asked.

"It's 8:36." I replied.

"Oh wow okay, have a good day, if I'm not home when you get back, order okay?" She said, as I picked the car keys. 

"Alright." I said, walking out the door.

"Don't leave your car unlocked!" She shouted behind me.

"I won't!"

I unlocked the door to the white BMW. Sacari's cars were two; a whiteMercedes and a white BMW. She had informed me that the car would be mine, as I would need one if I wasn't using public transport. She let me know that it would be best to take it just so I wouldn't have to worry too much about finding rides home; she was hell bent on making me comfortable and independent. 

And I appreciated her for trying to give me my own wings. 


When I arrived, with the assistance of the GPS, I immediately fell in love with the campus. The place was amazing. Students were everywhere hugging and laughing. There was a nice parking lot with vast greenery before the main building entrance. Surprisingly the sun was out, nevertheless cold. Sacari made the right decision bringing me here. It was not what I had expected in the slightest.

I drove around a little bit, before I parked the car next to an average looking sleek Chevrolet and took a deep breath.

New School, new life. New school, new life. New school, new life.

I breathed to myself, taking deep breathes.

I stepped out of the car, and took my phone out of my bag, putting my earphones in, putting the phone in the pocket of my jeans. Being new was bound to be a challenge; I didn't want to deal with  the possibility of stares coming my way as I climbed up the pathway. There was nothing a little music couldn't fix. 

New School, new life. New school, new life. New school, new life.

As soon as I turned around, I could feel the intense stares of the students who did notice me. I tried to block it out by looking straight ahead, continuing to walk towards the main doors.As I walked through, murmurs and obnoxious laughter filled the air, whether about me or not, I tried to block it out. I rapidly made note of the girls and boys in the hallway. There was mass diversity from what I could see, and no one was anything less than good-looking.

I noticed a blonde in the far back, who turned his head immediately as I walked near the lockers. His eyes were bright blue. He, unlike his friends, was not littered in tattoos, but he had a cocky smirk on his face, and just when I thought it couldn't get any hotter, he winked at me.

My eyes went wide, in surprise. That was just about the most attention I had received from any boy since I had arrived, and to say my heart didn't thump with anxiety would be an exaggeration. 

I continued to walk down the hallway, ignoring blondie's eyes, looking for at least a sign that said 'Reception.' Luckily for me, I saw a door, with the words, 'Main Office' on it just a few more doors down. I took one more glance at the blonde boy to see him laughing again with the rest of his friends.

As soon a I opened the door to the main office, I saw a young looking woman, sitting behind the desk, who raised her head when she saw me.I quickly took the headphones out of my ears.

"Good morning, may I help you?" She asked in a very crisp British accent.

"Hello, I'm new. I just came in today. My name's Frankie, Frankie Sanford?" 

"You're new. Hold on for a minute love." he smiled at me, and looked down, pulling out a bunch of folders, skimming through. The office was small, not too messy, and there were two other doors; one that read 'Principal' and the other read 'Vice Principal'. Finally, she pulled out a red folder, that had my name on it.

"Francesca Sandford. This folder has a timetable, map of the school, lunch menu, locker key and details in it. It's basically a starter kit, all in it. So take the time to look through and get used to the school. I'm Miss. Smith if you need anything." She told me, handing me the file.

"Thank you so much." I replied.

"Would you like for me to call you a guide?" She asked politely.

"If it won't be any trouble." Not only would this be an opportunity to get to know someone, but I had promised Sacari I would try to overcome my social anxiety. 

"Of course dear, I'll arrange someone for you right now." She said and spoke in the intercom. "Can Perrie Edwards please report to the reception please;  Perrie Edwards please. Thank you."

Not too long after a blonde girl came walked in. She had bright blue eyes, and wore black jeans, a black top and yellow Doc Martins; I liked her outfit.

"Hi Perrie, this is Frankie, our new student here, will you please show her around? Make her feel welcomed." Miss Smith told 'Perrie.'

"Of course, come on." She turned to me with a smile.

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