Chapter 15

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After my little moment with Louis yesterday, I grew a tiny bit more close to him. I could tell him stuff, just like Niall, and he'd give me advice on it. We weren't  as close as Niall and I but yeah. . .pretty close. Niall and I were practically best-friends, even though he really wasn't. I'd told him most of my secrets, and he actually knew more of me than most of my friends, which was good, because I'd never ever had that person ever in my life to talk to like that. 

We had the same hobbies, music, and  we both had an amazing obsession with food. 

Sometimes that's just exactly what I needed since my life wasn't exactly perfect. My family fell apart when I was  four,  Sacari had to move a whole other country because it and it all made my Mum feel drained. I didn't  even know what was  going on with me sometimes, I just got crazy and bi-polar when I talked about that with anyone else. I didn't feel that way with Niall however, which placed that sibling connection between us.

I was  hanging with Niall at my place, because the girls were all busy and the boys were out doing a bit of 'business,' as they placed it.  We were in my room at that minute, munching on junk food and watching some movies. We'd been doing that for five or so hours. 

"Can I see your art room?" Niall asked all of a sudden. I won't lie, taking be aback a bit.

"My art room? Why?"

"You always keep your art so disclosed. Just curious." He shrugged.

"My art isn't something I'm too confident about. I show my emotions through my art. Which is quite personal, and I haven't really revealed it to anyone before."

"It's okay if you don't want to, it's okay.  I just thought we were at that level."

"We are. I just. . .I don't know."

"And that's okay." He smiled re-assuringly.

I bit my lip, thinking for a minute about whether or not I was ready to expose a little bit of my past to Niall. But I supposed that I would never move on and progress with anyone if I couldn't learn to trust. For that reason, I stood up and lead Niall down the stairs to the familiar white door.

"Okay,  this is it, but promise that whatever you see here stays here. Don't talk about it outside this room. Please Niall?" I begged.

"You can trust me." He held my hand in a brotherly sort of fashion.

I revealed the extremely personal room to him, not knowing what he would think of me afterwards if he happened to drift away too far into my private corner.

"You are so talented." He said in awe, after a few minutes.

"Thank you. Only my sister's been in this room, so I haven't really received man compliments about it." I replied. 

He looked around the room, observing the many paintings, which made me feel like he was looking at my heart.

Luckily for me he did not enter the the corners of the room where I had quite deep paintings, but he managed to drift to the back, where I had more . .  . discrete, images.

"Is that Zayn?" He said pointing to one particular painting. 

"It's not finished but, it's a start."

I'd only managed to finished his face and parts of his neck, adding a little twist with a cigarette hanging of his lips. 

"Wow, this is amazing Frankie, really." He admired.

"Thanks again. Come back when it's finished." I joked.

"You really like him don't you." Niall asked, turning his gaze to me.

I didn't reply but only looked down blushing a bit, which caused him to chuckle slightly at me.

"You saw nothing Niall, I mean it." I pleaded.

"I'll say it again. You can trust me." He assured. 

And for once in my life, I believed a male, when he said I could trust him.

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