Chapter 36

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For the rest of the night, my brain was in a puzzle. I had sat down, stood up, hanged upside down, laid flat on my back, ate, watched TV, listened to music, just trying to escape Harry's haunting voice in the back of my head.

But I couldn't.

I knew deep down that I was going to have to face the question sooner or later. There wouldn't be a next time, since this is the last year. It was now or never.  In approximately two months would be the exams which would determine my future, and in exactly three, I would be having my first school dance and graduation.

The future wasn't waiting. Whether I wanted Zayn in it, or I didn't, was still uncertain to me. But it has got to the point where I can't see myself waking up on the brightest day, without a text good morning, or going to sleep on the gloomiest evening, without a text goodnight. 

It was too early and too soon to start calling the love shots. But I've reached a point where if it came down to it,  if it came down to the point where if a car was coming at him, I would shove him out of the way and let darkness consume me. But at the same time, I knew that he was a closed of person, and he didn't want to open up much with me, and that's okay too.

As for lust, well, its pretty clear from the previous nights that Iv'e been lusting for Zayn for a very long time, and I'm still lusting now. So in an unsatisfying way, Harry was right, I'm kind of in the mix. 

And the strange part is, for a girl who's never been in love, and in the shortest amount of time, has fallen for a born sinner. 


"Get dressed, I'll meet you in ten." 

"What, why? Where're we going?" I replied, taking another bite of my cracker.

"It's Saturday. I have no life, you have no life, but not today." Kingsley spoke through the phone.

"But I really was hoping to have a lazy Saturday." I groaned.

"Frankie, we are in our last year of school, before uni. Do you seriously want to spend your last days shitting around, talking about 'lazy Saturday'." He taunted.

His short speech made me sigh, knowing he was right.

"Formal or casual?"

"Casual, oh and wear comfortable shoes, cause what we're doing involves running." with that, he cut the call, and I turned around to walk to my closet.

I picked up the first shirt I could find,which was a white tee, with an awkward smiley face on it, then I picked out loose ripped jeans, with a black flannel tied on the bottom. And for shoes, I picked a simple pair of black flip-flops.

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