Chapter 42

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"Come on, loosen up and have a drink." Kingsley said, trying to get me to grasp the drink in his hand. 

"I'm just not in a drinking mood yet, and the party only just started Kings." I smiled at him, trying not to feel guilty about the promise I was breaking which was, I was going to go out and have fun with him. It was just Kingsley, Jade, Niall and I. Everyone else was extremely busy to come to the party, but there was going to be another due to prom being none other than two days away.

"You've been very  upset the whole night, come on." Jade pleaded, sending a small smile my way.

"And besides the more you drink, the more you forget whatever's troubling you." Niall finished, resulting in everyone looking at me, eager to let me take on my first drink of the night.

I sighed, taking a small sip of the tangy lemonade-vodka combination.  I heard a few cheers from my friends, making me grin at them slightly, realizing how lucky I was. 

I remember probably this time a year ago, I was thinking of ways I was going to cover up my bruises from my mother to make her less worried, but now I was at a party, in London, surrounded by my friends. A quarter of my friends, but friends none the less. However, I couldn't fully enjoy my night due to the thought of my father's letter chewing at the back of my mind.

I had come to terms with the fact that he was actually telling us that he didn't care about anything. He would do it again if he had the chance, but he couldn't because he  had a death sentence in a few weeks. A fraction of me was pleased at the thought that he would be out of my life for good. Another fraction was slightly upset that he couldn't even right an apology letter even though he would never ever see us again, and another part of me was slightly horrified at the thought that he was getting death, which was an easy way out, and he could continue haunting my dreams freely. But I tried not to think of this. I had to remain positive and open minded. 

"Come on, lets go and dance." Jade pulled at my hand, leading the way to the centre of the living room.

The familiar tune of a beat I was all too common with because of my sister's slight obsession with Kygo filled my ears.

"We light up the world!" Jade shouted, moving her hips to the beat of the song.

Slowly, I followed her actions feeling the alcohol kick in because of my light-weight character. 

Song after song, drink after drink, my hair was a mess and so was my makeup, but I continued to shout on top of my lungs to Martin Garrix. I looked to Kingsley who was passed out on the left side of the room, laughing at how he slobbered slightly when I patted his cheeks. 

The party dragged on to the early hours of the morning, and one of the neighbors had finally found it bothering and called the police.

"The chimps are here!" someone called, pointing towards the blue and red flashing lights. In panic, I grabbed Kingsley's arms which made all his body weight fall on me, causing us to tumble to the ground as everyone escaped.

"Kings, wake up! Come on the cops are here!" I yelled over the frenzy, shaking him. 

I spotted Niall from afar, and he motioned at me to get up so we could leave. I pointed back at Kingsley, yelling that I couldn't leave him.

Niall sighed and ran over, lifting one arm over my shoulder and most of Kingsley's weight on himself, and we ran to the back door. When we got a safe distance away from the chaotic house now being cleared out, Niall spoke.

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