Chapter 41

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"Baby I am so proud of you!"

"Thanks Gram." I laughed, hugging my grandma back.

It was the week after my exams and I had been showered in kisses practically the moment I dropped the pen. Throughout the week has been non-stop laughter and fun. I had been to the beach, the roller rink, been to many tourist attractions in London and I did all this with my family and friends. My mother and grandmother had flown in on last Sunday and it was Friday. They insisted on staying with us until my results arrived. After all the entertainment,  early this morning in the mail, I unluckily yet luckily went to get milk from the local store, but ran into a lamp post. This lamp post happened to be the one right in front of the mail box. My double vision zoomed in on the envelope sticking out, which happened to be my results.

I had gotten a B in English; a B in Science; a C in Math; in Drama, Music and P.E I had gotten a B, and in Art I had gotten an A. Overall, I was pleased with what I had achieved. I wan't expecting all A's so these grades were more than enough, heck; I wasn't even expecting a C. 

"Now you guys calm down, I'm not done with school yet, don't forget." I reminded.

"We know, its just that this moment is extremely exciting, especially for me!" my mum cheered giving me another massive hug. 

"Mum's right, now you're just left with prom and graduation. Literally, you're growing up right before my eyes." Sacari added, giving me a hug next. 

"You're stuck with me for two more years Cari." I said, shoving her slightly.

We continued to chatter, but I lost concentration on the conversation when the ringtone of my phone went off. I excused my self and took the call.

"Kingsley!" I yelled into the phone. I had missed him so much, and I feel like ever since that one time he took me to London town, he had just dropped out of my life. We would text every now and then but that was all it was. Texts. 

"Fran!" he yelled back with similar excitement.

"I can tell you've been to your mail box then?" 

"Fuck yeah! Guess who got nothing below a B?!" my jaw dropped.

"Kingsley what the hell? That's amazing! I'm so happy for you! I just got nothing below a C" 

"Hey, I'm proud of you!" he replied.

"We should celebrate." I proposed.

"Of course. I'll text you the details about a party at Mike's tonight." 

"Mike as in, beginning of the year Mike?" I recalled.

"Mike on the roof right. See you around eight?" 

"Definitely, besides I bet my friends are going as well."

"Great, bye."


I cut the call and put it back into the back pocket of my jeans. I walked back into the living room with a large smile on my face. However, this was wiped of my face when I saw my sister in tears, my grandmother looking distressed and my mother, torn up.

"What happened guys?" I asked shocked.


"What?" I asked, more shocked than upset.

"I don't know all the details, but he was allowed one letter and he sent it to u-us. I wanted to tell you maybe tomorrow or before we go-"

"How the hell does he even know the address?!" I asked, standing up from the seat.

"Honey I don't know, I really don't. But of course the police handled the sending and-"

"Do you have it? The letter?"

"It's on my nightstand in the guest roo-"

I cut my mum off and rushed upstairs, the shock slowly boiling up to anger. 

I opened the bedroom door, my eyes locking with the nightstand immediately. I saw the dirty looking cream envelope immediately and ripped it open.

To: My three favourite girls

How long has it really been huh?  A year ago, things were so different. How are you guys? Enjoying your new life? I don't know where exactly in the UK you are, but I requested that it be sent to you, so I guess they tracked you guys down. By the way, you can't reply back. They don't allow that; and I'm only allowed one letter, because you need to hear it from me first.

Don't get it twisted, I fucking detest you guys with every fibre in my being. I know the feeling is mutual. But I guess in some ways, I sort of miss you as well.

But don't worry, I'm gone for good.

I have a death sentence. What you guy's didn't know was, it wasn't only you I was showing love to. I also haven't been on good behavior, and my past with drugs, booze, and girls violated a bunch of codes and felonies. For this reason, I'm going to be killed in about a month's time.

I hope you think this letter through and suffer in all honesty. To be really honest, I don't regret anything. I have officially lived life to the fullest and now its time for me to go down under. 

I'll see you all there.


A/N Yikes. Short chapter, but next update very soon, and I promise you will all loveeee it

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