Chapter 5

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Parcetamol. Advil. Water.

Those were the only things I thought about as I made my way to the drug store.

Parcetamol. Advil. Water.

After a wild night out yesterday, I ended up passing out in Mike's garage. Of course, when I woke up, it was around 4am and my head was pounding like nobody's business. I looked around and immediately panicked. Scared out of my mind that I didn't know where I was, but the familiarity of the house hit me and slowly it all rushed back to me.

When I got home, which was around 6am, Sacari, surprisingly wasn't shocked at my timing, but she explained how there was no Advil, or Paracetamol or any headache medication, so as a punishment, she's making me walk to the drug store to get some.

So now here I am, in the most decent outfit I could find, my hair in a bun, and my glasses, because my vision got a little blurry this morning.

When I finally got to the drug store, my eyes went wide at the massive gather around it. There were people everywhere who looked just as hangover as I was. What I didn't get though, is why everyone was crowded around this store, there has to be more stores around right?

I made my way in between kids, teenagers, even adults, just to find a decent spot to stand at, where it wasn't crowded. The only place I could find was near a hot chocolate stand, it wasn't too crowded, but good enough for me.

"May I suggest a cocoa while you wait?" said the man behind the stand, well, he looked more like a 14 year old to be honest.

"When I'm done getting what I need first." I laughed, but immediately regretted it, when a thump went off in my head, making me wince.

"A yank? Damn, what brings you all the way here?" The "man" said, eyes wide.

"It's a long story dude. And how much are one of those?" I asked pointing to the muffin, slowly taking a seat on the concrete. 

"They're a pound-fifty and the cocoa's are a pound, if you get them with caramel or whipped cream, they're two pounds." he replied.

"I need one right now, but I only have fifteen on me, and I don't know how much an Advil is so, I can't-" I started, but was cut off.

"I'll take care of that." A new voice interrupted, adding to the conversation, I looked to my the source of the sound, and saw a brunette boy, who looked roughly around my age, who had blue eyes.

I quickly stopped the stranger. He looked quite familiar, but I don't think we've properly met, and if we have I definitely don't remember.

"No offense, but I don't know you, and I can't let a stranger by me a drink." I said, trying to sound as less rude as possible.

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