Chapter 34

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As I tramped up the stairs of my house, I couldn't help hit a picture frame on the way up, which caused it to come crashing down.

The frustration and anger was eating me alive. Smoking wasn't working, drinking wasn't working, and skipping fucking school wasn't working. I needed a release,  but I couldn't bring myself to just find a decent bird for one night no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't.

Finally reaching my room, I slammed the door as if to make an un-necessary point. Un-necessary because there was no one home to bang  the door at. I looked around the dark space, wanting nothing more than to just seep, wake-up and everything would be fine. But dreams don't just come true overnight.

I laid myself down on my bed and covered my hands over my eyes, feeling ten times more frustration.

In a way I guess you could say that this was karma, and I was just getting back what I deserved for all the shitty things Iv'e done in the past.

I stopped drowning in my thoughts when a sudden loud ding sounded through the house, indicating that someone had rung the doorbell. Irritated, I grabbed the nearest thing to my  left which happened to be a comic book, and threw it with rage at the lava lamp on my desk.

The bell rung again, making me even more angry by the second. I stormed off my bed and out of my room, blind with fury, ready to shoot anyone who thought it'd be a cool idea to come knocking on someone's door at 9pm.

I thrusted the door open without looking at who it was and boomed:


The figure of the curly haired brunette in front of me, jumped back in fear.

"Sorry, is this a b-bad time?" Frankie asked, her voice cracking a bit in the fear that was basically dripping off her.

I rubbed my hand over my face in slight guilt knowing I scared her.

"What's the matter?" I asked, ignoring her first question.

She looked at me for a moment.

"I-" She paused and took a deep breathe.

"I was just worried about you, because you bunked school quite a bit, and I was just really worried because you've been missing for a week, and its Friday, and everyone's at that party Harry's having and I went for a bit cause I thought you'd be there, even Kingsley was there, and we had a few drinks but then you weren't there so-" I immediately cut off her rambling and replied.

"I'm fine." I said bluntly.

She blinked thrice and answered back.

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