Chapter 21

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At this point in time, I think I had shown more affection than I originally felt. 

Firstly,  a part of me wasn't too fond of her and at the same time a  part of me was. For some reason, I felt like she was my responsibility. I had dragged her into all this and I knew I would never be able to have a female's blood on my hands and voice living in my conscience .

I didn't know why, but she had kind of always been the kind of person I wanted to have in my life. I was being selfish and prejudice. I was using her, yes, but at the same time I wanted to keep her around to care for me the way I had always wanted to be cared for. Then I'm brought back to reality. The harsh truth that I'm just using her. And then, the inner and outer hate starts to build up.

The little part of family she had here, her sister, was starting to get worried about her. 'Why isn't she home?' or 'Why isn't she calling?' 

Out of curiosity, she calls me. I have to explain that she's 'with me and she would be home soon'.

Pretty stupid of her to believe me as well. 

Sometimes, I wondered why she let her sister see me. She knows who I am, what I do, yet she lets me see Frankie.

Now because of Frankie, some of my boys were going get hurt or possibly die, because she we failed to keep her safe that night.


I sat in the corner, staring blankly at the wall, my now naked self was numb and cold to the bone. My tear stained cheeks now felt red, puffy, and painful, so sore my eyes hurt when I blink. 

And my body hurts when I move.

I'd been here for one more day, but it felt like one more week.  According to my capturer who I had learned to be 'Gabe', it was  snowing out. He told me this when he threatened to kill me and bury my body in the heaps of snow. 

Real gentle man he was.

I had officially given up on hoping that anyone was coming to find me. I had been here for a week and 4 days. No one looking for me, and if they were they would have at least had a trace by now. I had also learnt through the days that Gabe and Zayn were sworn enemies.

I had thought about how indirectly, this was Zayn's fault. For noticing me, for talking to me and asking me out. But I didn't blame him. He didn't know it would happen, so I had no right to judge him.

I also randomly find myself thinking random suicidal thoughts.

'Maybe I deserve to die.'

 'Nobody wants me.'

However those thoughts would quickly clear out of my mind as quickly as they came due o the fact that it was too early and too soon to give up on that practically non existent yet tiny speck of hope.

Then the door slammed. I flinched as I felt myself start to shiver as the familiar footsteps came down. I tried to squeeze myself more into the corner and cover myself, even though I knew that this person had already seen all of my one too many times. I closed my eyes as some more tears started to fall. 

I heard the familiar dark voice taunting at me. I didn't have to look at the person to know who it was.

"Look at me." He ordered

I didn't respond.

"I said-" He said angrily and put his hands under my chin and pressed his thumb and middle finger on my cheeks, making  me to look at him.

"look at me."

I closed my eyes, making him give me a hard slap to the face.

What did he do? 

He chuckled at my pain. 

He let go of my cheeks and spat at me. I used the back of my hand to wipe my face.

"You know, you've been really naughty this past few days. Have you not learned to just shut up, and do as you're told? Considering you're Malik's bitch, I thought you would have learned some discipline." I looked away from him.

"But then again, who would give you the time of day. Look at you. No guy likes a prude, rude, uptight, ugly, bitch." He said spiting every word.

"Shut up." I muttered.

"What was that? Was that fiestiness in you. You wanna go to church and purify yourself for using such a word?"

"Shut up." I said more louder.

"Or maybe that's why you're such a good fuck, cause you've been so locked away for ages, it's so tight up there!" 

"Shut up! Shut up! I yelled, kneeing him in his lower abdomen.

His eyes went wide for a moment, and then turned incredibly pitch black.  

I felt myself start to shake, as I looked at the anger in his eyes.

"You little cunt! C'mere!" He yelled and lunged at me.

I screamed, and moved to the right. I tried to run for the door, but he caught me and pushed me to the ground.

"I'm sorry! I'm so so-" 

I was cut of by a slap. He took of the rope on my hands, and tied my hands again, above my head.

I knew what was about to happen, when he started to undo his belt.

I thrashed around, and he punched me again. This time, in the lower rib. He pulled my hair so high, and shoved a dirty cloth in my ,mouth.

As the tears streamed down my face, he continued to hit me,  and slowly i couldn't move anymore because everything started to hurt.

"You're gonna pay now, bitch." He said cruelly.

He took of his pants, and then before I could register what was gonna happen again, the world closed up on me.


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