•- Chapter 1 -•

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•-Y/n POV-•


The sun came up about a while ago but I decided to give my siblings a little more time before we get going, I'm surprised that no zombies came for us while they slept. "Guys, wake up" I say tiredly shaking the two sleeping bags.

"So where to now? Are you sure your not tired?" B/n asks as we walk down the road of the empty city of Atlanta. I thought this was supposed to be a refugee center? What happened to that?

We wander around the city for a while now until we hear a lot of groaning coming from every direction around us. "Y/n! Do you hear that?! We're gonna die!" S/n (younger) yells out. B/n slaps a hand over her mouth. "Shhh, alright? It's okay, we won't die here okay? I Promise I'll keep you guys safe" I say softly while trying to pull together a plan.

     We run to where we heard the least amount of groans and noises. "Girls, I'm gonna need you two to be as quiet as you can because if not, we're all gonna die" I say turning at the last part. They both nod and slap a hand over their mouths. Perfect, now that I have that situated.

    "B/n you take both of them, I'll lead the zombies away from here while you take the two girls and run away, meet me at the highway, stay on the empty side those zombies could hide anywhere behind the cars, although you'll be out in the open you'll be able to see what's coming at you" I state handing over S/n. I take out 3/4 of the arrows I had in my quiver and put it into B/n's quiver. "If I don't make it out there by the time the sun sets, you guys run away as far from the city as possible, B/n take good care of the two girls, train them how to fight, S/n, S/n you guys be good to B/n listen to him because he's only doing what's best for you guys okay?" I state on the brink of tears. "No Y/n, I don't want you to die too, first mom and dad, but now you too?" S/n (younger) asks.

     I pull everyone into a group hug as I smile into the hug. "I love you guys, if I don't make it back I hope you guys know that" I say before pulling away and wiping my tears.

     I walk out of the alley and into the middle of the street before screaming out. "Hey! You ugly bastards! Come over here so I can fuck your faces up even more than it already is! Come on I know you fuckers can't get any more ugly than you already are!" I yell out at the top of my lungs. I start to tear up as they all come after me, I turn and run the opposite way B/n went.


It's been a long time since I left B/n, S/n, and S/n. It's been long enough, I left them around the middle of the day, the suns setting right now so I'll make my way over to the road.

As I get to the road it's already dark out. I widen my eyes in horror as I see a whole horde of zombies gathering around a big truck. I hear the screaming of my sisters as my brother holds them close to him. "B/n! S/n! S/n!" I shout as I run over to the truck not caring about my safety. I've lost too much, I can't lose them too.

"Y/n! Don't come over here! We've all been bit, it's only a matter of time before we turn too, I was stupid, I was tired and told the girls to rest and that I'll keep watch but I ended up falling asleep! Please Y/n! I've already killed the three of us! Don't let me kill you too!" B/n begs. I gasp upon hearing this, they're all bit? They're all gonna turn? Why would I leave them on they're own, so stupid of me. I reluctantly nod, knowing that B/n was right, if it were me. I wouldn't want to of had got my sisters bitten just for B/n to come along and get torn apart because I was too selfish. Of course it's hard for me to just leave them behind, but I can let it all out later when I'm somewhere safe enough.

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