•-Chapter 34-•

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•-Y/n POV-•


It's the next day and we are currently on our way to this "Alexandria" place. Yeah no, fuck that, we're here already. I'm quite impressed, these walls are still up.

     "Wow" I say, too speechless to say anything else. Glenn chuckles, slinging an arm around my neck, placing a small peck on my neck. "What's got you so amazed?" He asks, making eye contact. I smile. "There are kids laughing, yelling maybe, and yet not a single walket in sight" I say amazed. He smiles, wrapping his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. I lean in to his touch and smiles into his chest. This place might actually work out.

     The gate opens and we start to walk into the community. We all stop in front of the gates, admiring the scene before us.

     It all stops when we hear a small rattle from behind us. We all point our weapons at the source of the noise. Daryl, not wasting any time, shoots at the creature. He brings up it, my face scrunching together in disgust. Ew, it's a fucking possum.

     As the gate opens a little more it reveals another guy. Strange, tell me why he looks exactly like that possum in Daryl's hand?

     "We brought dinner" Daryl says, holding up the possum. The guy then looks at us, visibly judging us. What an ass, didn't even try to hide the fact that he was judging us, not a good first impression.

     "It's okay, come on in guys" Aaron says, sensing the tension. We all follow after Aaron, not knowing where to go.

     "Before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons" the possum guy says. No, there's no way in hell I'm handing my weapons over.

     Now I get it, they've got a reason to take them, but we also have a reason to keep them. What if they're bullshitting us? Take our weapons and kill us, that's what they could do. Carl told me what Terminus did to them, there's no way I'm handing my shit over.

     "Stay, you hand them over" the possum guys says. I step forward to say something but Glenn holds me back. He acts like I can't just talk from where I am.

     "We don't know if we want to stay" Rick says, walking in front of us all. Yes Rick, well said.

     "It's fine, Nicholas" Aaron says, trying to stop things from going any further.

     "If we were gonna use them, we would have started already" Rick says. "Damn straight" I call out from Glenn's arms. Glenn looks down at me, shaking his head. I frown, I guess he didn't like that.

     "Let them talk to Deanna first" Aaron says. "Who's Deanna?" Abraham calls out. Nice question, I would like to know that too.

     "She knows everything you'd want to know about this place" Aaron says. That sounds interesting, not. "Rick? Why don't you start?" Aaron asks. Start? Start what?

     Just as Aaron stops talking we hear a few walkers outside the gates. Ahah, I knew those kids were too loud. "Sasha, Y/n" Rick calls out. I nod, taking my bow out and getting an arrow ready.

     I turn around to see three walkers. I go by Sasha. "How are we doing this?" I ask, not sure who's taking the third one. "You can take the two on the left, the one on the right is mine" she says, aiming her sniper at the walkers. I nod, firing my bow at the first Walker. I replace the arrow and shoot the other one. I run out the gates to grab my arrows before it closes.

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