•-Chapter 28-•

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•-Y/n POV-•


     As we run away from the multiple herds heading towards Terminus, we run across a little cabin

Shouldn't be hard to clear, there aren't that much walkers around it. By the looks of it, there's something in there they can eat. A person maybe, or an animal? We'll find out.

     We kill all the walkers around this little cabin and by the time we meet back up in the front we hear a few noises from inside. What is going on in there? It sounds like someone's getting their ass beat up. I exchange glances with my two cousins and nod. C/n (younger) goes up to the door and puts his hand on the handle and twists it slowly making as little noise as possible. Me and C/n (older) getting ready to swing.

     As the door opens it reveals a man beating up this other. I inspect the man on the top and my eyes stop when it lands on the beanie he has on his head. Hey, that's Tyreese's beanie. I look over to the side and see a little crate. The crate containing a baby, and not just any baby. Judith is in there.

    I gasp, dropping my katana. Tyreese drops the man he was currently beating the shit out of and turns to me. I raise my hands, seeing as he was ready to leap on me. "It's okay Tyreese, It's me, Y/n" I say.

     "Y/n? C/n? C/n? You guys are alive?" He asks, not believing that we're real. All three of us nod. "I thought you guys died at the prison, I looked around for anyone, I couldn't find you guys so I thought maybe you guys turned and walked away" he says. We shake our heads. "We're real Tyreese, and now we can help you watch Judith" I say. He smiles.

     "Who else did you find?" I ask, hoping that he found Glenn or any other person. He looks down solemnly.

     "Mica, Lizzie, and the other kids actually saved me, then we took off with Judith, there were two other kids, but they ran off" he says. I nod. I look around the cabin, trying to spot the two said girls. "So where are they? Mica and Lizzie?" I ask. He looks up to me with a look of terror and shakes his head. I sigh. "How did it happen? If you don't mind me asking" I say. He ponders his next decision for a few seconds before nodding his head.

     "Carol killed Lizzie, she also killed Karen and David" he says. Wait, Carol killed them? She's the last person I would've expected that from. What stopped her from killing me?

"Carol wasn't there the day of the attack, when did you guys meet up?" I ask. "The day after the prison fell" he says. I nod. "But why did she kill Lizzie?" I ask.

"Because she killed mica... and she was going to do the same to Judith, so Carol brought her out to a garden, told her to look at the flowers, and shot her when her back was turned" Tyreese says. I sigh. "At least she didn't know the bullet is coming, she got to enjoy her last moments" I say, trying to make the moment a brighter one.

"Did you find anyone else? Carl?" C/n (younger) asks. He nods. "They're in Terminus right now, Terminus isn't who they said they were, took Rick and the others captive, don't know what they planned on doing but it couldn't be anything good" he explains. "I'll go than" I say, turning around. Tyreese grabs my shoulder.

"Carols got it covered, that woman can work some incredible things" he says. I nod. "Than I'm going to secure the perimeter, you guys just watch the door and windows, and make sure that man doesn't fuck things up" I say. They all nod.
     Time to go out now, hopefully nothing goes wrong out here.

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