•-Chapter 16-•

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•-Y/n POV-•


I wake up the next morning to Glenn moving around. "Can you not" I say tiredly. "Come on, we have stuff to do today we can sleep again later" he says. His morning voice, I've never got the chance to really listen to it. "Who knows if we will, what if something bad happens today?" I ask looking up at him. "Which gives us even more of a reason to get up Y/n, come on your our best shot" he says giving me a quick peck on the cheek. I groan, getting up. I wonder what we have in store for us today.

"Ready?" Rick asks before opening the gate. Me, T-Dog, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, and Rick go in the staying in a tight circle. We take out walkers as they come for us. C/n and C/n were placed out to make sure nothing happens while me and the others are in the court yard.

Everything went fine, that is until we got to the back. There was another gate that blocked off a lot more walkers. Rick signals for us to go against the wall so the walkers don't see us.

As if things could get any worst. I see that there are some walkers with riot gear on. Covering their head, this is gonna be tough. Daryl shoots his arrows and not even those can get through the gear. I don't want to risk breaking my katana on that helmet, or even dulling the blade.

"I got the ones in the back, someone go close that gate" I say. "No, not by yourself" Glenn says protectively. "Look, I love that your worrying about me but now isn't the time, I can handle myself against those I just need someone to close that gate so no more of those things can sneak up behind me" I say. Nobody says anything for the next few seconds so I speak up. "We're wasting time, let's do this" I say.

Rick and Daryl go and shut the gate while I run off to the walkers in the riot gear.

I walk up to the first walker and slice off its head. Before I could finish it off, the other two grab ahold of me. I got lucky, these things have their helmets on, otherwise they would've bit me. I cut off their hands and back away, checking for scratches. I sigh in relief when I don't find a single scratch on me.

I turn to the walkers and do the same thing I did with the other one, cut off its head. Their heads lie there still moving, that's disgusting. I turn their heads so that the part I chopped off is showing, I then kill the walkers. Too easy.

     Once we clear all the walkers we go back, until Rick tells us to stop. We talk about how secure this place looks before we decide to move everyone else in. So Rick tells us to go inside to clear things up, make it safe.

     When Daryl opens up the first door there's a gate right behind it, at least if there was something then it wouldn't have got to us, right?

     Rick opens the gate and we close the door behind us. This place looks pretty secure, I don't see any walkers so far.

     Rick goes up to grab the keys to this place. When he gets back down he opens the gates to a cell block. The only walkers I can see are the ones in the cells. Damn, imagine dying in a prison cell, couldn't be me. "Oh you poor things, at least you weren't ripped apart" I say. Glenn nudges me. "Ow, what was that for?" I complain. He just shakes his head at me. I groan. "I'm sorry okay? Just saying you died the lucky way" I say holding my hands up. Glenn shakes his head before walking forward.

     Soon after we inspect everything, we clear out the walkers. Glenn, Maggie, and T-Dog go and help everyone with their stuff while me, Rick, and Daryl get all the walkers out the cells.

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