•-Chapter 7-•

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•-Y/N POV-•


     Right now I'm getting ready to go out. Everybody else left it go look for Sofia (I FORGOT SOFIAS NAME WAS SPELT LIKE THAT LOL 😭) except for me T-Dog, and Dale. Of course everyone was curious as to where I was going and why it was more important than looking for Sofia. Yeah don't get me wrong I love Sofia, but the weapons are around the area as well and I don't know if I'm ever gonna get another opportunity to get them. My cousins were also curious as to why I didn't tell them, but they didn't question. Glenn tried to convince me to either let him come with me or to take someone else. I would, but then that wouldn't leave much people to look for Sofia, so I'll handle this on my own.

     "Where are you going?" Dale asks me as I walk off. I turn to him and see him and T-Dog waiting for an answer. "Don't worry about it, I'll be back before sunset" I say waving them off. They look at each other before nodding, letting me leave.


     After a while of travel I reach the location of the weapons. I ran into a few walkers, none of it was a problem I couldn't handle.

     I look around the tree I once slept in and take in my surroundings. "Welp, time to get digging" I say voicing out my thoughts.
     After digging up the hole I look down to see all of the stuff I left there. I jump down to get it, but just as I'm about to climb back up, I hear the groaning of a walker. I climb out of the hole and hear the walker coming to me from the back. I unsheathe my katana and turn swinging my blade, but it doesn't come in contact with anything. I stand there shocked at what I'm seeing, is this bad luck? The walker continues to come at me as I keep backing up.

     "B/n" I say in disbelief. He keeps coming at me as I continue to move back. I can't kill him a second time. I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm not gonna do it, not today, not ever. Where's the other two? I look around for the walkers who used to be known as S/n and S/n L/n, but I can't spot them anywhere. I stop inching away from the walker I used to know as B/n L/n and look at him. He fell on his leg, that much is evident in his right foot being twisted along with the dried blood on his leg. As he got closer to me I start to tear up seeing how his face changed. He was as close to clean as we could get back before they died, but now? He looks terrible. Blood flowing down his mouth, he's fed on something just recently. Although his face is still in the same condition as when he died. If it wasn't for all the blood, angered looks, and his distant eyes. I would say he looks the same as he did when he was alive. He grabs onto my shoulders as I grab his cheeks with my katana still in hand. "Oh B/n, if only I didn't leave you guys. Can you believe who I found? Our cousins, C/n and C/n. They were really sad when they found out what happened to you guys" I tell the walker in tears as it continues to try and take a bite out of me. "You think things go good... until they don't. In the end, we just didn't have enough time" I said connecting my forehead with the walkers. Just as It's mouth is about to close down on my nose, I push him away. "I'm sure they would love to see you, even though you're dead" I say walking slowly towards the walker who is also making its way to me. "I don't want to kill you again, I just can't" I say as it gets closer once more. Just as it's about to attach itself to me once more, I cut its head off. The head of my dead brother falls on the floor, but it still moves and tries to come at me. That's just sick. I pick up his head and carry him with me, I need to show my cousins.

     As I walk back to the R.V with all the weapons in their respective areas I hide the hand with my brothers head in behind my back. I See almost everyone outside the R.V seeming to be looking out for someone. I forgot to mention, it's already dark. That little trip took a lot more time than I originally expected it to take. I see everyone outside watching their surroundings, except for Shane, Rick, Lori, and Carl. Where are they?

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