•-Chapter 6-•

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•-Y/n POV-•


It's been two days since the events of the CDC and everything's been hard, that much is obvious. Everyone is barely holding onto themselves, but we still have the determination to survive in this world. Everyone's been bugging me about the little "stunt" I pulled at the CDC, I guess they thought I was gonna stay behind, but I didn't. So why are they still on about it? I just wanted to have one last conversation with Jacqui, I miss her so much. The group isn't the same without her motherly attitude.

We are driving on the highway right now, the same highway my siblings died on. I hope they moved on from over here, since I couldn't be there to put them out of their misery. It's been a while though so I think they cleared out of here. I still remember where I buried the katanas and bows, so I hope we can make a quick stop so I can go get it for C/n and C/n.

"We're gonna stop on the highway for a while, scavenge whatever we can and find a path through all these cars" Dale yells to everyone back here. "Everyone" consisting of me C/n, C/n, Andrea, Shane, and T-Dog. So I'd say it was a pretty loaded vehicle. Earlier Dale had to go out to check out the R.V because it started making all this noise. Everyone else also went out except for me and my cousins.

So he was basically asking us to help out, we nod getting up. Before they get out of the R.V I stop them. "You guys take this, keep yourselves safe and be careful" I say skeptically. They look at me in confusion before slowly taking the weapons I offered them. I gave the C/n (older) a bow and one of the katanas, while I gave C/n (younger) a katana and a few of the daggers I had in my shirt.

I go off on my own to check out the farther parts of this highway. I walk around checking inside of all the cars but I find nothing of use. They won't mind if I go off on a little adventure right?

Just as I was about to walk off deeper into the highway, I feel a hand on my shoulder. It was Daryl's hand. I look at him in confusion, did he need something? "Walkers, a lot of em" is all he says before he turns around and runs off to warn everyone else who doesn't already know. I make my way as close to the R.V as possible so I can scout out just how many walkers there are. "Y/n, are you crazy?! The walkers are coming from that direction you're just gonna attract them to you, hide!" I hear a someone say in a hushed whisper. I look around for the source of the voice but then a hand grabs my foot. It's C/n (older). "I'm just gonna scout them out, I'll hide don't worry" I say quietly walking away. He tried to protest but I'm already on my way.

I see a walker moving towards the direction I'm in so I hop into the tail gate of this lifted truck and lay down in it. I hear a lot of groaning coming as the walkers pass by the truck. I lay there for a while even after the walkers pass by, not knowing about the little girl who ran off into the forest.

"My baby's out there!" I hear Carol crying. "Where's Y/n? Did he get caught up in the herd?" I hear Glenn ask. Oh how sweet, out of everyone only one person asked where I was. Thanks so much Glenn. I sit up in the tail gate and make my way back to the R.V. "No, I'm very much alive" I state doing a little bow. "Why were you walking towards the herd for? That was really dangerous, you could've died!" C/n (older) says shaking my shoulders. I shrug. "I didn't though, so I think it's fine and I just wanted to see how much there were" I say rolling my eyes. Does he really think I'm stupid enough to walk into their line of sight. I sigh.

"So who went missing again?" I ask everyone. They all look at me in disbelief. "Sorry I know that sounded bad, let me rephrase it. Who is missing? Because I don't see a lot of people right now" I say. I don't see T-Dog, Daryl, Dale, Rick, Carl, Sophia, and Shane. "Sophia ran off into the woods after two walkers freaked her out, everyone else is doing other things" C/n (older) explains. Oh, Sophia's the one that ran off? That should give me enough time.

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