•-Chapter 27-•

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•-Y/n POV-•


I squirm around in someone's grip. Oh god, how long have I been out for? Fuck, what even happened. Everything's coming back to me, little by little. I can't wrap my finger around it, not yet.

I feel someone attach themself to my neck, making me yank my head from them. I turn around and surely enough, it's Glenn. He frowns.

"Fine, I'll stop, but lay down with me, you promised me remember" he says. What?

I think back long and hard. Eyes opening once again when I finally pick up on what happened.

"Glenn!" I exclaim, tackling him back down. I cuddle up to him as he pats my head. "Glenn I was so scared! I thought you were gonna die, and then you started choking, and then, and then I started choking, and then I told them to give you the medicine, and I thought I was gonna die!" I cry into his chest like a little kid. I really was scared for him.

"And what about you? You were more scared about me than for yourself?" He asks with a soft voice. I shake my head into his chest. "No! I was gonna die anytime soon anyways! I shouldn't have lived as long as I did but I kept myself alive! I fought Glenn, I fought to see you! My cousins! And everyone else! But in the end, a few moments after you started choking on your blood, I choked on mines too! Hershel came and I made him give it to you first, I didn't want to be the reason someone else died Glenn, I don't want that" I sob. He pats my head. "It's okay now Y/n, You're here now, in my arms, alive and well" he says, placing a kiss on my head.

Maggie and C/n (older) came in to check up on us. They were happy to see us awake.

"You guys have to get up! It's an emergency!" C/n (younger) says rushing in. I instantly get up. "What's wrong?" I ask. "It's the governor, he's back, and he has Michonne and Hershel!" He exclaims. I groan. "Can we Just have one day, one day where we aren't fighting for our lives?!" I shout, hitting the wall. Glenn rushed it my side and rubs my back. "It's okay Y/n. We've taken down the governor once, we can do it again" he says. I take a deep breath, calming myself down before giving Glenn a small nod. "Y/n wait up!" Glenn says, struggling to keep up with me.

"Stay! Go to the bus, if right now is an emergency then that bus will be ready to leave any minute" I say. Glenn goes to argue but I shake my head. "You barely have the strength to walk straight, you go to that bus, now" I demand. Glenn sighs, knowing I'm right. He bring me in for a little kiss. "I love you Y/n" he says as we break away. "I love you too" I say before running off with my weapons.

I make my way outside slowly since I'm still recovering.

"Y/n? What are you doing out here? Go to the bus!" Tyreese says. I shake my head. "You guys need all the help you can get" I say. Nobody argues with me there, because they know I'm right.

Oh no, things don't look like they're doing too good down there. The governor is getting mad. He has Michonnes katana up to Hershel's neck. Surely he won't actually cut Hershel down, would he?

My worst fears come true when the governor swings the katana back and that's when I knew, it was too late for Hershel. The governor swings the sword down and slices down into Hershel's neck. I stop in fear and shock. I tear up at the sight of blood, rushing out of Hershel's neck as he falls over. Beth and Maggie shout out to their now dead father. Rick shouts and falls back, firing a couple shots back at the governor and his people.

Only the strongest survive (Glenn Rhee x M! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now