•-Chapter 17-•

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•-Y/N POV-•


     Aw, things went good. I can't kill them, I really want to. Like, really bad.

"What's with the frown? I don't like how sad it makes you look" Glenn says with a frown of his own. Should I tell him? I mean, it'll sound pretty sadistic if I told him that I'm sad because I couldn't kill a few people. You know what, maybe I will tell him. "I wanna kill them, like, really bad" I say. He widens his eyes in disbelief. "Your sad, because you can't kill someone?" He asks with a small chuckle. I nod, embarrassed. "Hey, it's okay. I still love you" he says hugging me. I smile into the hug, embracing him as well.

"Hows Hershel?" I ask walking into the cell. Rick took the prisoners to go get some stuff. "He isn't turned, so I'd say he's doing pretty good" Lori says. I nod. I look around before deciding to go outside, get some fresh air. I had the chance earlier, but the air was polluted by that stupid crackhead. What a prick.

"I'm gonna go outside, take in the fresh air and shit, well as fresh as it'll get anyways" I say walking out of the cell.


It's been a while, and things are really getting good out here. It's so comfortable, quiet, other than the walkers outside the fences, and it's pretty cool out here.

As I think more, I start to think about how things used to be. I used to watch movies about zombies, with my cousins. Not only C/n and C/n, but a lot more of them. I had a lot of cousins. But somehow, I was only able to see C/n and C/n after everything went down. I Wonder if they're all still alive. Probably not, but it's okay to wonder. As long as you don't think too far yeah? I tend to do that, it's a bad habit of mine.

I'm shaken away from my thoughts when I hear a few gunshots from inside the prison.
What's going on in there?

"What's going on? I heard gunshots" I say walking into the cellblock. I have my bow out along with an arrow, just incase. "Wasn't us, must've been Rick guys" C/n (younger) says. Why's he here? I thought he went with them. "What happened? Weren't you with them?" I ask C/n (younger). He nods. "I turned around, C/n (older) didn't want me around those prisoners" he says. I nod. "Well, I'm gonna go check up on them" I say heading off.

"Aw, what happened to the marshmallow?" I ask as I see the big guy on the floor. Looks like he got stabbed in the head, multiple times at that, can't even recognize the face anymore. Okay, what the fuck happened here? "Hey C/n (older), what happened?" I whisper as I get to him. "The crazy one with the gardening tool killed the big guy on the floor" he says. Oh, so our group wasn't the on to kill him. Why did he die though? Did he try anything, or try to fuck things over with us? "He has a scratch on his back, from a walker" C/n (older) says as he sees my confused face. Oh, so a walker got him. Poor marshmallow, why couldn't it be the crackhead instead.
"Now that I'm here, might as well help you guys" I tell Rick. He nods before we move on. I unsheathe my katana after I sling the bow back over my shoulder.

     We had our troubles along the way, all things considered. But we were able to clear the cell block for them. We took a few detours here and there, but got the job done.

     "Yo, your should stay with us instead, your group looks like it has enough manpower" the little dwarf says. Rick, along with everyone else looks to me. Rick goes to say something but I cut him off. "Sure" I say, making everyone look at me. The prisoners look at each other as if they accomplished something. "Y/n you don't really plan on going with them right?" C/n (older) whispers into my ear. I shake my head. I only said sure for the shits and giggles. "Just kidding, should've seen the looks on all of your faces" I say giggling to myself. Nobody else laughs, or even smiles. The dwarf, the giant, and the crackhead all glare at me.

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