Chapter 1

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Blue lights started to light up the dark park. They all started running. Jackson was left behind, he had stepped on a hole and fell down. He tried getting up and running with the rest, but he was too bruised from the fight. Strong arms wrapped under his armpits pulling him up and carrying him to the car.

- Ryder please let me go.

- No Jack, you can barely keep your head up. And no way on earth I'm letting you go with those guys again. Are you out of yout mind? I saw that guy Nick, I'm sure he is the one who hit you again.

The boy being carried just sighed and accepted his faith. He was sat down in the back of the cop's car. He was lucky it was only Ryder that time.

- Please Ryder don't say anything. You know my probation ends next week, if I get in trouble before that I'll go back to jail. Please please Ryder. - the boy was begging. He didn't want to go back to jail, but the cop had no intention of bringing him to the station.

- Oh, no Jackson. You are coming home with me. I'll deal with you myself.

Jackson's eyes widened.

The rest of the ride was quiet. Ryder pressed a button on his keys and opened a gate. He parked the car and got out. He opened the back door and stopped Jackson from getting out.

- Hands. - he ordered

- What? But we are at your house... Cmon Ryder

- Jackson, hands. Now.

The troubled boy rolled his eyes and gave the cop his hands so that he could handcuff him. He was then dragged out and inside the house. It was kinda big, and very modern styled. Everything was black grey or white. Very clean and organized. Ryder lived by himself but loved having everything on its place. It wasn't the first time Jackson had been in his house, but he had never been past the living room. The cop guided him to the kitchen and sat him on the chair. He grabbed a cup of water and gave it to the boy, who struggled a bit because of the handcuffs. When the boy finished drinking, Ryder started speaking.

- Jackson I gave you one last chance and you messed it up. You clearly didn't think I was serious. Look at me Jack, - the boy obeyed a bit scared - I am going to make sure you realize I am dead serious this time.

- Y-yes sir

Okay how do you like this so far? Its short but the rest of the chapters will be longer.

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