[10] first kill

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KAI COULD ADMIT that he was starting to get comfort in Alexandria. He had gained his majority of his strength back and was actually started to help out in the infirmary with Denise and occasionally Rosita, whenever she wasn't on watch. Kai liked the feeling of having purpose and to his surprise he was enjoying learning about medicine and all that stuff. Although Denise didn't feel qualified enough to be there, she did enjoy teaching Kai with the knowledge she did have. He had become like an assistant to her.

Kai was starting to see a future here, he knew he wasn't much of a fighter because he didn't have the bravery that his group had. He wasn't the hero type, but in the infirmary he could be. Deanna even told him that she was proud to see his commitment.

Kai had been sitting on the porch of the house he and his group were staying in, just observing, that's when he noticed Carl pushing the stroller that held baby Judith.

When Kai wasn't in the infirmary or with his friends and siblings, he was with Carl. Which was a lot more time than he realized. They've been sharing their war stories of the past 4 years, although Carl's were a lot more interesting than his. Hearing all about a Governor and Terminus, Kai remembered seeing a sign that was promising a sanctuary. It was Maeve who refused to go.

Kai was enjoying Carl's company the most, just because it was new. Something he's never had before, and Kai was definitively awkward in their interactions but Carl never made him feel bad or weird about it. It actually helped Kai loosen up most of the time.

Although the trust wasn't completely there, because every time Kai was going to tell Carl about something he knew he probably shouldn't. He had Maeve in his head telling him to trust no one, at least not yet. So Kai couldn't bring himself to fully open up to Carl, and that's probably one of the reasons Carl has been holding back too. They were comfortable with each other, but didn't 100% trust one another.

Kai stood from the porch and began to approach Carl, who hadn't noticed him because he was too busy looking over at Enid and Ron. Carl had mentioned their names briefly, saying that they were the other kids here. But that was about it, Kai never thought more of it, until this moment. The way Carl's eye lingered, and his walk slowed, Kai put the pieces together that he knew them better than what he led on.

When Carl finally spots him, he sends him a kind of smile where his lips form a line on his face. Kai joined Carl on his walk, but he couldn't help but glance back. Looking once more at Enid and Ron who were just simply hugging. Except Enid was looking at the two of them, her eyes never met Kai's because they were so fixated on Carl. They burned holes into the back of his head, Carl had to surely feel the girls stare. But if he had, he showed no reaction to it.

Thought began to swirl around Kai's mind, coming up with reasons as to why the two would interact this way. Then he thought of the only logical reason, "Are you and Enid like... a thing?" Kai asked, turning back to the teenage boy.

Carl doesn't look at him as he replies casually, but too quickly, "No, just friends."

Kai wasn't satisfied with this answer, he could tell just by the look on Carl's face and the way Enid stared at him that 'friends' wasn't in the picture. At least it wasn't at one point in relationship.

"You sure? I coulda sworn I was pickin' up some sort of tension from you two." Kai glances back at the other two teenagers, Enid and Ron were talking to one another again and Enid was longer acknowledging Carl's presence.

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