[39] happier than ever

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MAEVE SAT IN HER BEDROOM, her head pounding as she read over and over all the equations in her math textbook. A notebook and paper beside her, writing down everything she will need to remember for this upcoming exam. If she didn't pass this, she'd fail the course and have to retake it—which will cause a whole lot of problems that she doesn't have the time nor the energy to solve.

Her education was always important to her, it used to be. Maeve wanted to be a doctor, she wanted to help people and save them. She would dress up as a doctor ever halloween, and her mom thought it was the cutest thing in world. Her dad would make a comment about how she's a born hunter, destined for something more—that all changed once Kai was born three year ago. She was twelve, and school started to fall down the list of her priorities. Kai and Louis always being her number one.

Now Maeve knows she'll probably be working out of some bar or restaurant for the rest of her life, barely making ends meet. All because she couldn't get a proper education with all going on at home, so she can't even pretend she'll have a bette r future once she gets out of this house—her dad and step-mom have ruined any chance of her creating a better life.

Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering made Maeve's head snap up. Looking at the opened door to her bedroom, and for a moment, she waited.

"You useless-spineless-money-sucking piece of shit!" The words of her evil step-mother echoed throughout the house, shaking the walls and making the atmosphere grow dark.

Maeve didn't know she was home, she thought she would be at work till later—must have gotten fired again.

As a quick reaction, Maeve was already racing out of her bedroom and down the stairs. Skipping the last view as the screaming and breaking of objects continued. When ran into the kitchen, she halted in her tracks as she saw her step-mom throwing any and all dishes that were surrounding her and throwing them against the wall—the wall that Louis was crouching down in front of. His arm shielding his face from the shards that were scattered around him.

The sight made Maeve's heart sink, and her blood come to an instant boil.

Maeve rushed to her brothers side. His arms still covering himself, and he even flinched when Maeve's hands were placed on his wrist. Gently guiding them away from himself, letting him come to the comforting realization that it was just his big sister. A wave of relief washed over him as he felt saved, and tears were streaming down his rosy cheeks as he threw his shaky arms around his sister's waist. Hiding behind her as Maeve turned around.

"What the hell's wrong with you?!" Maeve shouted at the woman across from them, he face twisted in an ugly rage.

"That ungrateful brat left his dirty dishes in the sink! What do you think this is, a crackhouse?! I come home from a hard day of work and this—this is what I get." She yelled, picking up yet another plate and throwing against the floor. Louis flinched behind his sister, his grip tightening as her hand caressed his arm comfortingly. "What does it take to get a little respect around here?!"

Maeve glanced to the corner of the room, where she saw a book of her step-moms work things—confirming that she was once again fired.

"Maybe if you could keep a job, we'd start respecting you." Maeve fire back, glaring at the wicked witch in front of her. Her face, somehow, grew even angrier.

𝗕𝗟𝗨𝗘 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗟𝗗 , the walking deadWhere stories live. Discover now