[21] in the church

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"WALKERS ARE FLOODING INTO THE EAST WALL, that means that the west wall will be the first to clear up. That's how we get in." Glenn planned, with no one disagreeing. Then, Glenn turns to Milo, handing him the only gun they had and saying, "You're a better shot than I am."

At that moment, Maeve went to reach for her bow, knowing it could be useful if she sets herself up high and can make no walkers touch her friends. But that's when she realized it was gone, her back feeling suddenly empty as she realized she was missing everything except her machete.

"Shit!" Maeve cursed, now remembering that she must have left it in the bar. They had left so suddenly that she didn't even process that she had left it behind until this moment, when she needed it.

No one seemed to notice, but Maeve has had the bow since the beginning. It was about the only good thing her father ever gave her when she was younger, of course, at the age he gave it to her, she was too small for it. But he would tell her that it was something to grow into, to encourage her to keep with it as a skill. Losing that bow felt like losing the last good parts of her father. Maeve felt her heart ache in a way that pissed her off, hating the emotional connection she had to that bow.

At least Maeve thought no one noticed. Milo placed a hand on her shoulder, catching her attention, "All good?"

"Mhm," Maeve hummed.

Milo seemed skeptical, but now wasn't the time to push for answers. So he walked off to stand next to Glenn. Maeve let out a sigh, ready to walk off with Milo, when Enid caught her eye. Not because Enid was doing something drastic, but because all she did was stare down at the disaster below them. Fear in her eyes as she watched the walkers flood in.

"Just 'cause the tower fell, took down the wall, let all the walkers in doesn't mean anything. Alright?" Maeve said, trying to convince herself along the way.

Glenn must have heard this, because he comes in and says, "People are still alive in there. They have to be."

Enid lifts her head to look at the three adults, who, in her mind, were being delusional. Then, when she locks eyes with Maeve, she says, "This is how it happens, and it always happens."

Before Maeve could say anything, Glenn marched over, rage-filled, only stopping once he was beside Maeve and saying, "We're still here. Our friends are in there, people who care about you." He paused, "My pregnant wife."

When the words left Glenn's mouth, Enid's head shot up towards him. Eye's slightly widened at Maggie's pregnancy being revealed to her, it was the same look of shock Maeve had when Milo told her. Glenn could tell that Maeve knew from the lack of expression on her face.

"Ya wannna run away? Forget 'bout all this. Leave everyone who'd fight for you, who'd take on a herd for you. We won't stop ya this time." Milo said it from behind them all.

"That's how you lose people, even after they're gone." Glenn added.

A silence coated the air, the boys letting their words sink in with Enid as Maeve stood there, anxiously wanting to get on the move. But she knew she had to wait as patiently as she could for the lecture that the three of them were trying to give Enid.

Enid's face had hints of pain, she wanted to go down there, but she was actively trying to convince herself she was better off walking away from it all. Glenn and Milo didn't bother to stick around, she needed to make her choice to stay on her own, if she really wanted to leave, she would be long gone by now.

Maeve turned to walk away too, but she couldn't help but stop in her tracks before she got too far. The thought of just leaving her out here is getting the better of her, but Maeve couldn't stay here and guide her through her emotions.

𝗕𝗟𝗨𝗘 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗟𝗗 , the walking deadWhere stories live. Discover now