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Nathan slid a shirt on. It was a darker grey than the sweats he had on. Sure, grey on grey was tacky but he was tired and just wanted something to eat. He told Tyson he'd meet him at Five Guys. He told him he'd be there a good twenty minutes ago. He may have fallen asleep after he showered. He rushed to the fast food place. It wasn't something they should've been eating, but they couldn't resist.

When he got there, he spotted Tyson in a booth, waiting for him. Nathan went to open the door but four females walked to it at the same time. He stepped back and held it open for them. They walked in, mumbling 'thank you's. He nodded. If he didn't still resent himself for what he did to Alex, he probably would've attempted to flirt or flash a grin to one of them, at least. He sighed and walked over to Tyson.

"Only a half hour late." Tyson spat.

"Sorry." Nathan mumbled. "Let's get up and order."

The two men left Tyson's sweater in the booth and walked up. Nathan saw the four girls he held the door for at a table. One smiled at him. She stood up and walked over to them. Nathan held back a frown. He wasn't in the mood to talk to girls. She took a deep breath as she approached them.

"I don't mean to make you uncomfortable but could I get an autograph?" She asked, her eyes pleading at both of them.

Tyson grabbed a napkin. She handed him a sharpie. He used his other hand for support as he scribbled his name. He handed it to Nathan who did the same. Nathan watched her eyes drift back to Tyson. He almost laughed. He finished and handed the napkin to her. She smiled before she looked up at Nathan. He knew what was coming.

"Could you-"

"Yeah. I'll take a pic." He cut her off, taking her phone from her hand.

He walked a little ways from the pair. Tyson put an arm around her. Her one arm went around his waist while her other hand rested on his stomach. Nathan snapped a few to be safe before handing the phone back to the girl. She smiled and thanked them both. Tyson stopped her before she could walk back to her group.

"What's your name?" He asked, holding her arm gently.

"I'm Kya." She smiled. "And that's Alexa, Erica, and I don't know where Alex went."

"The bathroom." One who had darker hair and a tan complexion spoke.

"Nice to meet you, girls." Tyson grinned. "Would it be alright if I got your friend's number?"

"If you wanna deal with her, be my guest." The blonde one waved him off.

Nathan chuckled a bit at Kya's reaction. She was smiling at Tyson but her eyes widened when that was said. Tyson laughed as well before he handed his phone to her. She added her number, and he added his to hers. He gave her a final smile as she walked back to the table. Nathan and Tyson ordered their food before they walked to their booth.

"I can't believe you." Nathan laughed as he took a bite from his burger.

"It may be a talent." Tyson shrugged as he ate.

The two men chatted about their up coming season as they downed their food. Nathan was pulled by his thoughts when he heard a familiar laugh. A very familiar laugh. He saw a girl rising from the table of the four girls they had met earlier. She waved to her friends as she walked towards the door. Her hair was short and curled with blonde ombré and she had RayBans on her face. She was in a white shirt with thin straps and tan shorts. Her hip had a purse resting on it. As Nathan's eyes trailed down her legs, he felt his stomach turn. He knew those legs anywhere. He shot up and walked over to the table of her friends.

"What was her name?" He almost yelled.

"Alex." Kya said, her brows furrowed.

Nathan held back a gasp and ran out of the store. He looked around but she was gone. Tyson walked outside, grabbing his shoulder. Nathan let out a sigh and squeeze his eyes shut. He probably looked crazy. Tyson just stood and waited for Nathan to say something.

"I swear that was my ex." Nathan explained. "She had the legs and her laugh."

"I doubt your ex would be all the way out here, Nate." Tyson laughed.

Nathan sighed. "You're right. Maybe I'm just missing her."

"Completely normal." Tyson reassured him. "So, guess what Ry did."

"No idea." Nathan shook his head as they started walking.

"Pulled a couple strings and got us into a club for your birthday. It's basically the team, some other friends, and pretty girls allowed in." Tyson grinned as he explained it.

"I can't even drink." Nathan scoffed.

"You can still have fun." Tyson shoved him.

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