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"Game one. Summarize it." Alex sighed through the phone.

Nathan laid down on the bed in his hotel room. He was in Saskatoon while Alex was back home. She was laying on Bridgette's couch while her friends sat around her. She met Leah's glance, who was frowning. Leah had just started talking to Jo and now he was gone for nine days. Alex matched her expression as she waited for Nathan to talk.

He took a deep breath. "Well, we won."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but, like, goals, fights, penalties?" She listed. "What was the score?"

"Seven to four." He said. "Uh, Martin scored and I assisted, Jo scored and Trey assisted-"

"Leah, Jo scored." Alex cut him off.

"Are you with friends?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're all at Brig's." She explained. "Continue with the game."

"I scored and Brendan assisted it, Luca scored from Darcy and Mack, I scored again from Konny and Mack-"

"Holy shit, Nathan!" She exclaimed.

"I ended the game with a hat trick." He shrugged.

"Babe, I'm so proud of you! Oh my god!" She smiled.

"Stef also got one." Nathan added.

"I can't fucking believe I missed that! My mom is such a bitch." She hissed.

"Hey, it's okay. You're with your friends." He chuckled.

"Yeah, friends are cool but I would have rather saw your hat trick." She whined.

"I think all of us would have rather seen our hockey playing boyfriend's hat trick than hang out with friends." Dana stated.

"But we're all fucking single!" Denise shouted.

Alex, Leah, and Marina fell silent. Bridgette did as well. They all eyed her. She grinned, sitting up straight. She cleared her throat dramatically as she crossed her legs. They all watched her.

"I may or may not be seeing Cameron." She said.

"What?" Nathan gasped before anyone else could.

Alex laughed, putting him on speaker. "You're on speaker so keep the dirty talk to a minimum." She instructed.

"Isn't Cam in New Brunswick?" Nathan yelped.

"Yeah, but I graduate this year and I was planning on going there anyway." Bridgette explained. "He came home last month and we ran into each other. He remembered me and I don't know."

"I'm happy for you." Alex smiled, tapping her thigh.

"I always forget you're my age, Brig." Nathan chuckled. "You're just so tiny."

"Holy fuck." Leah blurted. "All of you graduate this year and it's the guys' draft year."

Alex frowned. Her and Leah were the babies of the group. For a while, the girls only talked to Zach. He had taken a course that was mostly girls, and that's how they met. He answered all of Leah, Bridgette and Alex's questions about Jo, Cameron, and Nathan. He told them to come to the game that Nathan first locked eyes on Alex.

"Holy fuck, how am I gonna go a year without Zach in my classes?" Alex shot out.

"What about your boyfriend?" Dana mentioned, gesturing to the phone.

"Well, obviously I'll miss Nate but I've never had a semester without Zach." Alex frowned.

"More than just Zach is leaving, babe." Nathan laughed. She frowned harder at that. "I have to go. I'll call you soon."

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