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"I can't just walk in." Nathan whined.

"You go up to the door and say you're dropping me off, her aunt'll see it's you and let you in, then you go up to her room and make sweet love to her." Mack stated.

"No, I'm gonna have to go up there and kiss ass. She isn't going to forgive me that easily." Nathan sighed.

"Then let's go now." Mack shoved him before he climbed out.

Nathan copied his actions. He walked straight to the door while Mack grabbed his things. Nathan waited for Mack to come to the door. Mack rolled his eyes as he walked towards him. He rang the door bell and Nathan felt his lungs collapsing. The door opened and Dana was standing there.

"Just here to drop Mack off." He defended.

Mack stepped away from behind Nathan. Dana smiled and he hugged her. They brought the guys inside. Mack talked with her, but Nathan's eyes kept drifting to the stairs. Dana rolled her eyes and walked over to him. He jumped when she approached him. She was sneaky. She took a deep breath with her eyes squeezed shut.

"She's up in her room. She might be asleep so if she is, just leave her." Dana explained.

Nathan kissed her forehead before he ran up the stairs. He knew how to get to Alex's room. They visited plenty when they were together. He made a few trips with her when he could. Once you walked up the stairs, you made a right and then her door was the very last one on left side. It was the biggest room. Her aunt and uncle favoured her a bit.

Her bedroom door was open, causing relief to rush over Nathan. He sighed when he stepped in front of the open door. He could see her silhouette outside the window. He walked over to it. He climbed out. She didn't look back. She was praying it was him, but she didn't want to look like she was. He let out a grunt as he slid a bit. She stifled a laugh. He glared, seeing her body shake.

"I almost just died." He boomed.

She smiled a bit, holding herself. Her legs were folded up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them. She had a black sweater on. Nathan recognized it to be one of his that he'd been looking for. He didn't care where it was now knowing that Alex had it. She took a deep breath and looked out into the Denver night. He watched her before he looked out too. They sat quietly for a bit.

"So how much do you hate me?" He sighed.

She shook her head, stretching her legs out and using her arms to prop her up. "I don't, Nathan." She rolled her eyes. "How much do you hate me?"

"I've never hated you and I could never hate you." He told her.

She looked down, her cheeks burning. He smiled and moved closer. His hand rested over hers behind them. He acted as if he wasn't doing anything. Their thighs were touching but Nathan was looking around like he didn't notice. She looked at their thighs before her eyes trailed up to his face. He was looking to the distance. She smiled. She copied him. He looked over at her before he decided she deserved more.

"Al, I broke it off with Vanessa a long time ago. I invited her like two months into our thing because I thought we were gonna be long term but she's crazy. I know I told her not to come and she st-"

"I know, it's okay." Alex cut him off. "I went a little batshit but I just hate thinking about someone else having you."

"Oh, you have no idea how mutual that feeling is." He chuckled.

She smiled before she cuddled into him. He wrapped an arm around her to keep her close. They sat on the roof for another hour before Alex started shaking. Nathan had to force her inside to warm up since she wouldn't go in on her own. He spent the night with her, holding her close as she slept. She didn't sleep much though. Yeah, she was happy, and that's why. She didn't want to miss a moment of it.

They were woken up by yelling. Alex shot up and ran out the door. She rolled her eyes when she saw the commotion. Nathan walked up behind her wrapping an arm around her for protection. He poked his head out and saw the problem.

Jo, Stefan, Darcy, and Zach had made it. They were being rowdy with Mack. Zach spotted the couple first and gasped at them. Alex smiled, walking out of her room and over to them. Zach lifted her in a hug.

"They had their last bit of fun before everyone showed up." Mack teased.

Alex rolled her eyes as she hugged Darcy. His hug was bone crushing. She laughed when she pulled away. Stefan had the biggest smile on his face. He scooped Alex into a hug, rocking her limp body. He was a lot taller than her. She smiled and held onto him tight.

Last was Jo. He had a smile on his face. Alex hugged him and exhaled. Jo was always the one he missed the most. Jo kissed the top of her head before they broke apart.


I was rereading and noticed I posted the same part twice so I fixed it. I am so sorry

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