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"Hey!" Hilary sang over the phone.

"Hey! How are things?" Alex smiled as she sat up in Nathan's bed.

"Oh, things are great for me but they are about to be fantastic for you." Hilary explained.

"Why's that?" Alex chuckled.

"Ever been to Europe?" Hilary asked.

"Hil, the furthest I've been is here and I haven't left since." Alex sighed.

"You know how I made you give me some of your research?"

Alex furrowed her brows. "Yeah?" She stood slowly, walking out of the room.

"I got you an internship!" Hilary exclaimed.

"I already have one." Alex laughed.

"I got you a better one!" Hilary clarified.

Alex walked to the railing and saw Nathan asleep, sitting up on the couch in just his boxers. She shook her head. "How is it better?"

"It's with a real sociologist. She's so intrigued by you, Al." Hilary gushed.

"Where is it?"


Alex felt her stomach flip. "I can't go to Germany." She sighed.

"Why?" Hilary cried.

"I can't leave Nathan, or my girls, or my other friends." Alex listed, watching Nathan.

"This is the opportunity of a life time, Alex!" Hilary growled.

"I know." Alex frowned. "It's just so,"

"Look, Nathan left you for his dream and you worked it out. Talk to him before you make any decision. You have two weeks and then the internship is only for three months. It isn't a career like Nathan's." Hilary negotiated.

Alex took a deep breath. It annoyed her that Hilary would bring up what Nathan had done. "I'll get back to you."

She ended the call. She threw her phone on Nathan's bed. She wanted that internship, obviously, but she was happy with the one she had. She was happy where she was. She brushed her hair out of her face as she climbed down the stairs. She walked over to where he was sleeping. She shook him gently. She needed him to hold her right now.

"Babe?" She whispered.

He woke slowly as he saw her. He spread his arms and she climbed on him. She was curled up on his lap. She was acting like a baby, but she didn't care. He held her tight as she rested into him. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. She sighed. He knew something was up. He didn't want to ruin the moment so he left her quiet. She fell asleep on top of him with his arms around her.

Alex woke up a few hours later by herself. She felt around for Nathan before she opened her eyes. She frowned when she realized she was alone in his bed. At least he carried her up from the couch. She sighed, sitting up. She was still in her camisole and her underwear. The house had cooled down and she was cold. She threw on sweats Nathan had left on the floor, and one of his sweaters. She stepped out of the bedroom and the house smelled amazing.

"Nate?" She called, confused to what the scent was.

She hopped down the stairs. She checked the couch, he wasn't there but the TV was on. She slowly walked into the kitchen. He was cooking away while music blared. She leaned against the doorway and smiled. He was humming along as he pulled something out of the stove. He turned to place it on the counter, his eyes trailing towards her his mouthed hanging open a bit.

"What are you doing?" She laughed.

He smiled, wiping his hands on his pants and walking towards her. "Cooking for you." He sang then pecked her lips.

"Why?" She furrowed her brows.

"You seemed upset." He shrugged, going back to his food.

She watched him for a bit longer. She let out a breath before she sat on the counter. He continued cooking, smiling as he passed her. She smiled back. She wanted to tell him about the call with Hilary. She knew what's why she was upset.

"So, I was on the ph-"

"Do you want to come on the road with me?" He cut her off.


"I mean, I know Hilary will let you take all the time you need off, and you'd only have to miss two English classes." He grinned.

She took a deep breath. "Nathan, I don't know." She hugged herself. "Classes are getting harder and I-"

"Al, c'mon." He sighed. "You never come to my away games and I know you like Columbus." He tried to convince her. "I almost died for you and I just made this wonderful d-"

"Okay, but I really need to talk to you about something." She caved.

"After dinner, I'm all ears." He smiled and kissed her.

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