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Matt watched Nathan on the bus. He wasn't himself. He wasn't a part of the conversation or anything. He was just moping, staring at his phone. It wasn't unlocked and nothing was on the screen, but he was watching it. He had his head in his hand as he tapped his free hand on his thigh. His headphones were over his ears, blocking out all the noise. Matt frowned before he got up and walked over to him. He sighed as he plopped down beside the moping body.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"Alex won't talk to me. I have no idea what I did." Nathan explained, sitting up.

"What do you mean?" Matt quizzed.

"We were fine the night we left, then she stopped replying to my snapchats so I FaceTimed her and she ignored it. I texted her every morning and nothing. I thought about calling her b-"

"Maybe she got really drunk with the girls and she's out of commission." Matt smiled, nudging him.

Nathan shook his head. "She's been on twitter everyday!" He cried.

"Maybe she's just-"

"She's ignoring me." Nathan spat. "I'll have to figure it out when we get home. There's not much I can do now."

Matt nodded before he stood. He walked back to his seat and sat. He found his phone, knowing exactly what was needed. He texted Alex a simple greeting. She replied in no time. He took a deep breath before he typed out another message. It was along the lines of him mentioning that Nathan was down and wanting to know what was up. She replied that she'd talk to him after his practice. He left it at that.

The practice went by quickly. Matt showered and changed into a team shirt and some sweats. He growled as he tossed himself onto his bed. He took his phone, texting Alex and seeing if she was ready to talk. She replied to FaceTime her so he did as told. She answered and set her phone down. He stared at her ceiling. There was talking and shuffling before she came back. She let out a breath, picking up her phone.


"What'd he do?" Matt got straight to the point.

Alex rolled her eyes. "It might be dumb." She admitted.

"What he did?" He asked.

"No, why I'm mad." She clarified.

"And why is that?" He breathed in.

"We were snapchatting and then one of the girls pointed out that I wasn't in his best friends and some rando was so one of them added the person and they sent a snapchat and it was a girl." She explained in one breath.

"Alex, I d-"

"It's stupid, I know. I just," She stopped. "Maybe I should text him."

"No." He shook his head. "You keep doing what your doing."

"Matt, what do you know?" She frowned.

"I don't know anything but I think something might be up." He told her.

"Awesome." She laughed.

"I'll talk to him." He reassured her.

"Don't bother. I'm gonna kill him when he gets home." She smiled.

"Goodnight, psycho." He shook his head.

"Goodnight, Matty. Love you." She sang. He rolled his eyes. "Say it back, Matthew."

"Love you, goodnight." He growled.

They ended their chat and Matt was out. He woke up the next morning to a pounding on his hotel room door. He sighed, rising from his bed without a thought. He pulled open the door, squinting at the person in the door way. It was Nathan.

Matt turned, walking back to his bed. Nathan followed him in after he closed the door behind himself. Matt dropped face down into his bed leaving Nathan to stand to the side. Nathan's arms were crossed.

"Did you talk to Alex?" He hissed. Matt didn't answer. "She tweeted that she hated you being gone but she doesn't care that I am."

"Maybe she likes me more." Matt smirked half asleep.

"What the fuck did you talk to her about, Matt?" Nathan yelled.

"She saw a girl in your snapchat best friends and she's upset about it." Matt explained.

"That's why she's ignoring me?" Nathan gasped, pulling out his phone. "Oh my god! I'm t-"

"No!" Matt shouted. "We both know this needs to be resolved in person."

Nathan nodded. "Yup."

"Don't be mad at me." Matt groaned, sitting up. "You're the one who was snapping another girl."

"Vanessa was snapping me! I don't answer." Nathan defended. "This is so fucked up."

"Vanessa? Your ex?" Matt cocked a brow.

"She still snaps me. I don't wanna be a dick and delete her." Nathan frowned.

"Just wait, okay? Talk to Alex in person." Matt said, patting Nathan's shoulder. "Now get out, I'm tired."

The Avs won their final game against Detroit. Nathan was on his phone, attempting to get ahold of Alex. She sent him to voicemail on his phone. He went teammate to teammate to talk to her. She hung up on him when he called from Tyson's phone. She ignored him off Gabe and Matt's. He tried with Jamie's but that was a bust. He went through three more guys before he got to Varly. She finally answered with a growl.

"What, Nathan?" She huffed.

"Babe, please let me come over to talk to you. I-"

"I'll meet you at your place, alright?" She nearly whispered.

"Perfect. I'll get one of the guys to drive me home." He smiled.


He frowned. "I love you."

"Love you too. See you." She hung up after that.

Nathan growled but pulled the phone away from his ear. He hung up and handed it to Varly. He sat down in his seat on the plane. Only a few hours of flying before he'd be home with Alex.

He went on twitter to look at what the world was doing. Alex was socializing well. She retweeted a few things that he assumed were about him. He favourited them before he decided to compose a tweet of his own.

"@Mackinnon9: back to Denver for a final game before Christmas with my favourite girl @roy29"

She favourited it. That was all she did. The replies started pouring it. Everyone wanted to know who Alex was, as if most didn't know. He knew her follower count was going up like it was nothing. But she was still ignoring him. He decided to put his phone down for a bit.

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