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Alex sat in the backseat as she drove to the arena with Nathan and Jo. She always sat in the back so the two could talk on the way to every game. She also always went as early as they did. It was tradition. She leaned forward, resting her chin on Nathan's seat. He leaned his head back when he pulled up to a stoplight and pecked her cheek.

"You two are disgusting." Jo groaned.

"Sorry I stole your boyfriend, Jo." She mocked. "Just look at his little face." She said, pinching Nathan's cheek.

"Any face looks good if yours is beside it." Jo told her.

"Was that supposed to be mean?" She frowned.

"No, he was pointing out how beautiful you are." Nathan interfered.

"Sure." Jo nodded.

The rest of the ride consisted of Jo and Alex teasing each other. Nathan just laughed, and got involved when he thought one was being too mean. They got to the arena. Nathan popped the trunk so he and Jo could grab what they needed. Alex took Nathan's sticks as Nathan draped his bag over his shoulder. He took Alex's hand as they walked towards the arena. Jo walked ahead of them.

They got inside where the guys took their things into the change room. Alex waited outside of it for Nathan to come give her a kiss before she wouldn't see him for the next four hours. She played around on her phone as she waited. She waved and chatted with the guys as they arrived. Stefan made sure to ruffle her hair as he walked by. She reached him with her foot to give him a kick.

"Brunette!" A voice called.

Alex furrowed her eyebrows and looked to her left. Cameron was walking towards her. His arms were flung open. She laughed, shaking her head as she walked towards him. He embraced her as she approached. She hugged back before they broke apart. He looked her over. He couldn't believe she was standing there in a MacKinnon jersey. She looked the same, asides from her hair being longer, and her body being a bit slimmer. Not that she was big before, she was just a bit smaller now.

"Who would've thought that scoring your number a year ago would work out for fucking MacKinnon?" Cameron laughed out loud.

"I did." Nathan's voice boomed from behind.

A smile spread across both guys' faces as he walked over. They did a bro-hug before pulling a part. Alex watched the two talk, standing close to Nathan. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he talked. He rested his chin on top of her head. Eventually, she finally found a moment to pipe in.

"So, what brings you from UNB?" She asked Cameron.

"Have to come cheer on my children." He stated.

"So we can cheer together." She chimed. "I mean, if Kathy and Graham can handle a game without me."

"Graham won't be here tonight, so Cam can have his spot." Nathan said, kissing the top of her head. "I need to go change and what not, but have fun, alright?"

"I always have fun here." Cameron smirked.

"Don't tell Alex anything about before her time." Nathan pretended to whisper.

"Haha, go away now." Alex spat, shoving away from him.

Nathan grabbed her hands and pulled her towards him. She glared up at him while he smiled at her. He wrapped her arms around him, moving his hands hold her face. She blew a raspberry at him. He rolled his eyes, pecking her lips. She kissed back, deepening it. They pulled away and she kissed him once more.

"Good luck." She muttered.

"You're my charm." He said, giving her one last kiss.

Alex watched him walk back to the change room. She took a deep breath, turning around to face Cameron. He had a grin on his face. She felt her cheeks flush but it faded. He shook his head, throwing an arm around her shoulders as they walked up to their spots. They say quietly before Cameron broke the silence.

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