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"Game three." Nathan said as he fixed his tie.

"Game three." Alex repeated.

She looked up from her school work and smiled. She loved seeing him dressed up before his games. He finished playing with it and looked himself over. He turned to her with his hands out at the sides. He raised his eyebrows, pleading for her approval. She nodded slowly.

"You look amazing." She told him, books across her lap. "Like, model status."

He rolled his eyes, walking over to her. "Thank you, but not quite." He said, placing a hand on her thigh as he kissed her. "Are you coming early or do you have work to finish up?"

"I have an assignment due Friday that I have one thing left on, so I'll finish that first." She explained, looking over her work. "That way I have plenty of time for you when you win the cup." She smiled.

"Hey, anything could happen." He shrugged, sitting down beside her.

"Yeah, like a sweep." She smirked. He shook his head at her. "I'll finish up and go over with your parents."

"Come down before puck drop. I need luck." He said against her lips.

"Of course." She pressed her lips against his. "Now, go before you get in trouble."

"Worth it if I'm kissing you." He mumbled as he kissed her again.

She put her hands on his chest, pushing away slowly. "Go."

He let out an exasperated growl as he rose. She whack his butt as he walked away. He looked over his shoulder, giving her a glare. She grinned. He grabbed his equipment, carrying it out with him. She looked back to her work, finishing what needed to be done.

An hour or so later, Alex was ready and waiting for Kathy and Graham to tell her it was time to go. She had finished all her work, and more. She had done her work up to the end of the month. She knew this month was important. If the Mooseheads won the President's Cup, they'd be going to the Memorial Cup, and Alex didn't want to miss a second of it.

A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts. She stood up, smoothing her clothes out as she reached for Nathan's Mooseheads jacket. She draped it over her arm and walked to the door. She opened it to a smiling Kathy. Alex smiled right back.

"Ready to go? All finished your work?" Kathy asked as she guided Alex to the parking garage.

"And then some." Alex stated.

"Did some extra?" Kathy smirked.

"I did all my work for the rest of the month." Alex explained. Kathy gasped. "I know that this is a really big month for Nate and I wanna give him my undivided attention."

Kathy threw an arm around Alex, pulling her into a hug. "I sure hope Nathan makes it aware how lucky he is to have you everyday." Kathy said as she held her son's girlfriend. "You are such an amazing girl, Alex." She pulled away, holding onto Alex's shoulders. "We're lucky he found someone like you."

"I'm just as lucky as he is. You and Graham have raised the sweetest boy I've ever met." Alex told Kathy.

"God, let's not get all sappy before the game." Kathy chuckled as her eyes watered. The two females climbed into the car Graham was waiting in. "Alex finished all her work for the next month just to be there for Nathan."

"The entire month?" Graham gasped, looking at Alex in the rear view mirror. She giggled. "I'm shocked Nathan scored such a smart girl."

Alex smiled from ear to ear. "It helps that I really enjoy all the courses I took." She admitted.

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