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"This is lame." Alex whined, leaning against Nathan's chest.

They'd been back together for just over a week. They had the privilege of actually being together for it since Nathan has a home stand. But with every home stand followed a road trip. That's what Alex was currently whining about. They were sitting on his bed, watching movies when he told her about the trip. He was sitting up while she was laying back on him. She was pouting currently.

"It's not my fault." He frowned.

"I know but it sucks." She sighed. "We just got back together and now we're gonna have to be apart and-" She rolled her eyes.

"You're rambling." He teased.

"I'm mad!" She yelped.

"Don't be mad." He said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm mad that you're good at hockey." She explained.

He smiled, kissing the side of her head. They finished the movie they were watching before Nathan had to start packing. Alex laid on his bed and watched. She was pulled away by her bracelet. She played with it before she gained Nathan's attention. She looked up at him and caught his smile. She smiled back, sitting up. Her feet hung off the edge of the bed while she watched him.

"Does anyone ever ask you why you picked your number?" She quizzed.

He nodded. "I wouldn't tell the guys so they made up something about how two and seven make nine and I was twenty two and Jo was twenty seven." He laughed.

"Why didn't you just tell them?" She shook her head.

"Because they would've mocked me for it." He confessed.

"No, they wouldn't have." She smiled, playing with the blanket.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "What do you know?"

She smiled up at him as he hovered above her. "I might have blabbed about why to some of the guys." She confessed.

"Wow, and nothing was said to me?" He asked.

"Because your teammates aren't as big of assholes as you think." She told him, shoving him by his chest. "And they love me"

"They're alright." He shrugged as he went back to packing. "And I don't know why they'd do that."

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

Eventually, the time came for him to have to catch his flight. He had a game in Pittsburgh, then Buffalo, then Detroit, and then they returned to play St. Louis before the short Christmas break.

Alex offered to drive him to the airport and pick him up when he came home. He tossed his bag into the back of her car. She frowned, scrolling on her phone as she waited for him. He closed the back door, walking to the passenger's side. He sat and leaned over to her. His lips pecked her cheek, earning him a small smile.

"Guess it's time to go, huh?" She sighed, putting her phone down and taking the car out of park.

He nodded slowly, his hand rubbing her thigh. She drove silently. Nathan just watched her. She had a frown on her face the entire time. She noticed how uncomfortable he must have felt, so she leaned to turn on the stereo. She pressed the CD button and one of her mixes came on. It was the only way Nathan would listen to her music, if she combined it with his.

Fever by The Black Keys poured out of the speakers. It was over a year old but both enjoyed it. It had become a song they would sing along to. He smiled at looked at her. She wasn't getting ready to sing. He decided he'd take it into his own hands.

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