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Nathan lied to Alex. He broke the promises he had made from the start. The promises that they would stay together no matter what. The promises that he wouldn't become distant. They were all broken. Summer had past quickly after that. Maybe because Alex spent most of it partying with the girls. She decided her and Nathan were done. If he came back, thinking everything was peachy, she'd set him straight. She still spoke to the guys from the team on the regular.

School started again and Alex was actually enrolled. Majority of the school was obsessed with Alex. They either loved her because she was Nathan's ex or hated her because of the exact reason. She still wore the necklace he got her. Despite him leaving her with no contact, she still loved and supported him. When asked about it, she'd say it was just her birthday. Not many people believed it. She didn't care.

Nathan's birthday past before the school year started. Knowing he wouldn't answer her texts or calls, she settled for tweeting to him, but she wanted to make it hurt. She found every photo she had of them on her phone and did the one thing everyone always did; she made a collage. Most of the pictures were them being silly but there were a few kisses and serious ones. She finished and tweeted it at him with a caption.

@roy29: Happy 18th to this kid. Spent a lot of time and memories together. Hope you're doing well big shot @mackinnon9 😘

Random girls retweeted it. Jo favourited it and a lot of the guys from the team as well. She left it so she could get ready. She checked her phone once she was finished. She had twitter notifications so she checked. Nathan had saw the tweet. He retweeted it and favourited it, as well as replied.

@mackinnon9: @roy29 thanks Al! Miss ya.

She rolled her eyes and locked her phone. If he missed her, he wouldn't be avoiding her. She took a deep breath and walked downstairs. She walked out front and Dana was waiting out front. The car was filled with the other girls. They were on their way to Jo's to go swimming. Leah was already at his house. Bridgette frowned at Alex when she climbed in.

"He misses me." She laughed.

Marina shook her head. "Not even worth it."

Alex joined the basketball team again once school started. She was rusty at first but once she got back into it, she was great. She made starting line. She was more than happy to be reunited with the girls she had played with since middle school and those she met her first year of high school. She was always on a line with Riley, Whitney, Rachel, and Melissa. Melissa was one of her best friends through middle school. They had separated they both got into a relationship.

As the year went on and the season came and went, Melissa and Alex began talking more. Melissa's boyfriend was away for hockey a lot as well. He wasn't in juniors but he played. The two started spending a lot of time together. Melissa joined Alex's group of close friends and it became a group of seven. The seven of them did everything together. They didn't miss a single party. Alex felt like she had missed a whole chapter of her life with Nathan. She felt free suddenly and she didn't know if it was good to feel that way or not.

Alex's birthday was a day they all had off because of exams. The girls and some of the guys helped plan a large party for her. She had no idea. She knew they were going out but not where. She played music as she got ready for the night. Her phone dinged, signifying she had a twitter notification. She walked out of her washroom to her phone. Nathan had tweeted at her. She opened it.

@mackinnon9: Hbd to the one girl who helped me get where I am now. Have fun tonight. @roy29

There was a collage of pictures he had. The first one was him kissing her cheek while she made a face. The second was her standing with him at the first playoff game. She had on his jersey while he was fully dressed for the game. His arm was around her while she had both around him. They had giant smiles. There was another of them passed out in the back of the car. Alex's legs were in Nathan's lap as her head tilted forward to rest on him. His hand was holding her legs while his head rested on hers. The final one was them kissing while Nathan held the Memorial Cup.

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