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Nathan hadn't talked to Alex, besides text, since Tuesday night. He had long, hard practices that were causing him to pass out for the entire day as soon as he got back to his hotel room. Kathy was worried about him. He had barely spoken the family as well as his girlfriend. She was told by the team that he seemed a bit distant, which wasn't Nathan at all. She knew he wasn't one to not call Alex constantly when they were apart. She suspected he was lovesick and homesick, both because of the same person. That's when she got an idea, that she was going to run over Graham first, although she was doing it regardless.

"Hun, crazy idea." She called to her husband.

"The last crazy idea you had was a second kid." He mumbled while watching TV.

She smacked his leg. "I think we should fly Alex out." She said with a smile. He burst into laughter. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "That's not the response I was hoping."

"Hun, I already booked everything. She'll be here for the game." He explained.

"Why wasn't I informed?" She frowned.

"I thought you'd say no!" He exclaimed, sitting up.

"Does her mother know?" Kathy asked.

"Yeah. She said she's going to tell her she's going tonight." He furthered the information he had.

Kathy grinned and pulled out her phone. She sent Alex a text.

Miss you hun. Text back when you can.

Alex's face lit up when she saw a text from Kathy. She had been moping in her bed previous to it. She was used to being with the MacKinnon clan everyday and she hadn't seen them in over a week. Kathy and Alex began texting back and forth. Nathan walked into his parents' room, moping as well. Kathy laughed and Nathan looked at her in confusion.

"Alex is so funny, Nate." She shook her head as she continued to type.

He furrowed his brows in a mix of horror and shock. "Why are you texting my girlfriend?"

"Alex is my friend." Kathy stated.

He shook his head. He typed a message about the situation to Alex. She replied with a joke about how she was going to text his dad next. He laughed a bit when he read it but it quickly faded. He looked up at his parents in their own worlds.

"I'm gonna go do something and kill time." He mumbled as he turned away.

Kathy frowned, still texting Alex. She told her to call Nathan and she agreed. Nathan walked down the hall as his phone began to ring. He saw the caller id and sped up to get outside. He answered as he stepped out the doors.

"Hey." He greeted.

"I didn't know if you still had a voice or not." She teased.

"Yeah, I've just been busy and avoiding calling you." He admitted.

"Oh, that's sweet." She huffed.

"It's not why you think." He sighed. "I just know if I talk to you and hear your voice or if I FaceTime you and see your face, I'll miss you more than I already do."

She frowned. "How many more days?"

"Like four, babe. We'll be together soon." He reassured her.

Alex's bedroom door opened. Bridgette, Leah, Marina, Dana, and Denise walked in. She furrowed her brows at them as Nathan told her a story. Leah laid down beside her and held her ear to the phone. She looked to the other four and mouthed 'Nathan'.

"Hang up the phone." Marina demanded.

"What? No way. This is the first time we've talked in two days." Alex argued.

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