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Erica, Alexa, and Kya waited for Nathan in confusion. He had asked them to meet him at the arena so they were left standing around like idiots. Nathan came running down the hall. He had just landed, coming back from Nashville. He held a finger up to the girls as he doubled over to get some oxygen into his lungs. The girls shook their heads.

"You'd think a hockey player could handle running better." Alexa stated.

Nathan glared up at her. "I need you to not talk." He hissed as he continued to pant.

"Why are we here? What do you want?" Erica growled.

"I need you to help me with Alex's birthday gift." He explained as he stood up straight.

"Which is?" Kya was intrigued.

"I want to take her for dinner since it's all I really can do, but I want it to be really fancy and special. But you're coming too, with the guys." He listed.

"What do you have in mind?" Erica quizzed.

"I know nothing about clothing and stuff but I'll give you full access to my cards to buy Alex a really nice dress and shoes and a spa day and a ring." He finished. "Well, I already picked out the dress and ring, I just need you to pick them up for me. And shoes."

"Woah, a ring?" Alexa yelped.

"Not that kind of ring. Just something to show her how much I love her." He sighed. "It has one of the things that like indent your skin with our number. I just need a new dress for our dinner tonight for her."

Kya nodded. "We can do that." She smiled.

"If our spa day is included." Erica added.

"Yeah, of course." He obliged.

"Then we have a deal." Alexa chimed.

Nathan exhaled. "Thank god. I've been so stressed out about this." He confessed. "I just want this birthday to be special for her."

"A nineteenth birthday is important to Canadians." Alexa stated.

He rolled his eyes. "She's a size eight in-"



"And rings."

He laughed. "Yeah. She's an eight."

"She's actually a hard ten." Erica argued.

"She's more than a ten." He corrected as he pulled out his wallet. "Please don't max me out but don't buy cheap shit either. Only the best for my girl."

"Why is Ryan nothing like you?" Alexa growled.

"I'm one of a kind." Nathan grinned as he handed over his credit card.

The three girls left early the next day. Nathan was forced to leave Alex alone since he had a morning skate. She woke up by herself. She wasn't too bothered by that. Her phone was loaded with birthday wishes from various social medias and contacting ways.

She spotted a platter on her desk. She narrowed her eyes. There were flowers resting beside it. She picked them up and smiled. Nathan had grabbed her a bouquet of various coloured daisies. She loved daisies. She also saw a velvet box that she was scared to touch since it said 'DO NOT TOUCH'. There was a folded paper leaning on the covered platter. She picked it up.

This is the lamest thing I've done but that's okay. I guess you're 18 or something? Wait, 19? I haven't cared enough to pay attention.

She rolled her eyes.

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