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Nathan watched as Alex laughed with some family members. She was being more social than he'd ever seen. She kissed the cheek of an older man. She laughed at him before her eyes met Nathan's. She smiled at him and looked back to the man she was talking with. She said something, smiling at him as she walked away. She was heading towards Nathan. He took a deep breath. He was still mesmerized by how beautiful she looked. She tripped a bit as she got closer to him. They laughed until she finally got to him.

"Hey." She called as she stopped in front of him.

"Al, you look fantastic tonight. You're absolutely beautiful." He sighed, leaning towards her ear. "Better than the bride."

"I know but don't tell Sab that. She'd freak." Alex teased. "Do you want anything?"

"A drink would be great." He admitted.

"Come on then." She smiled, grabbing his hand.

She held onto his hand as she led him past and around people. Her hand was small compared to his. She had grabbed his hand but if he wasn't holding hers, she'd have lost him by now.

They reached the bar. Alex ordered their drinks. She turned, handing him his beverage as she sipped hers. He smiled at her staring up into his eyes. After that, he noticed how glossy her eyes were and it made perfect sense.

"How many is that?" He asked.

"Five or six." She shrugged as she finished her drink. "Here for a good time, not a long time, Nate."

He shook his head. "Right now, you're here for your sister's wedding. No more drinking until after." He said as he took her drink.

"You realize we aren't actually in a relationship, Nathan, and even if we were, you don't control my decisions." She spat as she pulled her glass back.

He sighed. "I'm not fighting so I'll see you back at the room." He breathed as he walked away.

"Always running from his problems. Same old Nathan." She hissed.

He paused and shook it off. She was drunk. She didn't know what she was saying. He walked off and found Jo with Zach. He decided that he'd have some drinks with them and cool off. He didn't need to fight with Alex when they were finally doing okay. He also didn't want to cause a fight at her sister's wedding. His other friends joined them. He was having a good time now. He was calm and wasn't fight with anyone.

Alex was still mad. She finished her drink, watching Nathan from her stool. She didn't know why she was angry. All she wanted to do was walk over and argue with him. It was like she needed it. She sat her cup down on the bar and decided to walk around. She smiled at people as she passed them before she was stopped. She recognized them as some of her sister's old friends. She smiled at them.

"Wow, you're not that annoying eight year old I remember." One of the guys, Eric, smirked.

Alex chuckled. "It's been over ten years. I'd be concerned if I still was."

"You look really good." He reassured her.

She smiled wider. "Thank you." She nodded.

Nathan's eyes scanned the room. He couldn't spot Alex and he didn't understand, considering her being in a bright dress. He heard her laugh, his eyes darting to where it came from. Alex was standing with a guy. The guy wasn't much taller than her, meaning he was shorter than Nathan. The guy looked older. Nathan felt his blood boil. Jo caught sight of Nathan staring. His eyes glanced in the direction. Jo sighed.

"Just go over and throw an arm around her. Everyone here thinks you're dating." Jo whispered.

Nathan was off in a second. He had trouble getting to Alex through the bodies, but he got there in record time. He walked over and wrapped an arm around her waist. He pulled her into him, pressing his lips to hers. She kissed back, her hands resting on his chest. He made sure to make it deep and passionate. He wanted this guy to know Alex was with him, even if she really wasn't. Nathan pulled away slowly. Alex's eyes stayed shut for a moment before she slowly opened them. She looked up at him with a shocked expression while he grinned down at her.

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