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Alex sat in the stands, bunching the sleeves of the jersey she had on. She was nervous. The boys were strong, but she was still nervous. She was beside Kathy and Graham, who were standing and cheering like crazy. The puck hadn't even dropped yet, but Halifax fans who had made the trip were chanting. She thought she should join but decided against it.

Truthfully, she was still bummed out by her thoughts last night. Yeah, she talked to Nathan, and they even got intimate after she expressed her worries, but it was still eating at her. How would they work if he ended up far away? She could handle the Habs, the Leafs, Ottawa, but the other Canadian teams were far. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Boston, Washington, Columbus, Detroit, even Carolina or Chicago. Those were it. Her biggest fear was having him end up in Vancouver, or Florida, or LA.

She was pulled from her thoughts by Kathy tapping her shoulder. "Puck's about to drop." She smiled down at her.

Alex rose, holding the sleeves still. She looked over the players lining up. She saw Nathan wasn't starting so she looked to the bench. He was staring right at her. He did something unusual after that. He brought his glove covered hand to his mouth before he extended it, puckering his lips at Alex as he did so. She smiled, her cheeks going red. She did the same action with her tiny hand. He threw a hand over his heart like he had just been hit. They both grinned at each other before the puck was dropped.

The first period held six penalties and a goal. Four of those penalties were against Halifax. Two and a goal were for the home team. The team moped off the ice. They were all mad at themselves for such a terrible start to their game. Coach Dominique walked in, a blank expression. All the guys stared up at him, waiting for a lecture.

"Are you all that upset about the period?" He asked. "Well I'm not. We still have two more to go."

All the guys grumbled amongst each other. Coach Dominique rolled his eyes, walking out of the room. The Mooseheads looked at each other, wondering what had just happened. They took their time, talking and cooling off, as the intermission wound down. As time for the second game closer, they started redressing for the next twenty minutes. Coach came back in. He cleared his throat.

"Two more periods to make it our game. Quit being babies and play the way we want to play. This game is far from over." He lectured. "Now get out there and get us this game."

The guys all cheered before filing out. They were more than ready for the second period, and it was evident. Baie-Comeau scored a minute and a half in. Jo responded five minutes later, scoring off a pass from Abeltshauser. Less than thirty seconds later, Frk tied it up. At the end of the second, Halifax had scored six goals with two penalties out of the six in total. Baie-Comeau added one to their score but it was still the Moosheads' game. Nathan grinned up at his parents and girlfriend, being a goal scorer and assisting a goal, he was glowing.

The third was a mess. Twelve penalties between the two teams, and a goal for each. The game ended with Halifax winning 7-4. Everyone on the team was pumped up. They listened to their music at extreme volumes as they celebrated. They were going back home, and hoping to win it while they were there.

Nathan stripped and showered quickly. Yeah, he was excited and wanted to spend the time with his team, but he'd rather go see his girlfriend. They all taunted him as he walked out with a towel around his waist. He just smirked as he began redressing in his suit.

Mack and Matt Murphy pretended to be Nathan and Alex. Matt was talking in a low pitched, being Nathan, he guessed, while Mack was talking higher pitched. Matt was down on one knee, holding Mack's hand. Mack had a hand on his chest that he rose to fan himself. Nathan watched as he got dressed. Matt stood up and pretended to make out with Mack.

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