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Alex walked to her car quickly as she held her phone to her ear. Gabe and Matt were at her place and she had no idea why. Neither were answering their phones, and Gabe was over using his spare key privilege. She'd be taking that off of him as soon as possible. She got caught in traffic and growled. Just her luck. She gave up on Gabe and tried Matt again. He answered, finally.

"Why are you two always in my shitty dorm when you have beautiful apartments?" She hissed.

"Because we like it here more. It's more intimate." Matt smirked.

"God, shut up and don't touch anything. I'll be home in like a half hour." She demanded before she hung up.

Matt locked his phone and turned. Gabe had Alex's mattress on the floor and was sitting on her box spring with something in his hands. Matt's jaw dropped. Alex had literally just told them not to touch anything and Gabe was trashing the room. Matt shoved the mattress at him and Gabe kicked it. He glared at the Canadian, looking up from the photo album he found.

"It's just pictures of her and Nathan." Gabe explained as he flipped the page.

"Well put it back where you got it and then put the mattress back." Matt shook his head.

"It was under her mattress." Gabe stated. "Like, wedged far back. I could feel it through the mattress."

"So it was hidden?" Matt furrowed his brows. Gabe nodded. "Why would she hide it?"

Gabe shrugged. "Under each photo, there's the date and a quote." He handed it to Matt. "They're like things said between them. It's cute."

Matt looked over it. They were deep quotes. He sighed before he closed the book. He tucked it under his coat and looked at Gabe. Gabe had a confused look on his face. He stood and climbed off the box spring. He put the mattress back on top. Matt sat on her bed, Gabe plopping beside him.

"We're gonna show Nathan and maybe that'll get him to talk it out with her." Matt informed him. "She's sad and I don't like it."

"But she did it to herself." Gabe frowned.

"Yeah, but we're good friends." Matt pointed out.

Alex came home shortly after. They hung out for just over an hour before she told them she was going to bed. They said their goodbyes and left. Gabe drove home. They were delivering the book to Nathan now. They knocked on his door hesitantly. He opened it with a confused expression. Gabe and Matt walked in. They made themselves at home before Matt pulled out the book. Nathan took it slowly.

He opened it. The first picture he saw was the first time they met. He was standing with his hands in his pockets and she was looking up at him. He was smiling at her. There were words below it.

You look a lot better without the glare of the glass. 04/11/12.

He smiled a bit before looking at the picture on the right side. It was her holding him after Rimouski had beat them out of the playoffs.

At least you get all my time now. 04/29/12.

He remembered saying that to her and seeing her almost cry.He turned the page. It was her holding his face with one hand as she kissed him. Her other hand was extended as she took the photo.

You're the kind of mystery I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life trying to unravel. 05/26/12.

The next wasn't until his birthday. They were smiling at the camera, red solo cups in hand, free arms around each other.

Your flaws aren't flaws to me. 09/01/12.

They had sex for the first time that night. Cliche, but it was what they had agreed on. Alex was nervous and Nathan had no intentions of rushing her. The next set of pages were what he expected. It was him holding her, her legs wrapped around his waist. She was in pajamas, seeing as he had to fly out in the early morning. He remembered her crying as her held her. They'd never been apart like they were about to be.

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