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Eventually, they got back. Nathan went for a shower while Alex sat in their hotel room. It was a suite they were sharing with his parents, who were gone out on a romantic date night. She was waiting for him to finish so she could have a shower. He finished quickly and came out of the washroom with just a towel around his hips. She let out a deep breath as she stood to take her shower. She grabbed the pajamas she had already dug out to put on after.

"What was that?" He asked as she brushed past him, dragging her hand over his stomach.

"My boyfriend's really hot." She explained.

"Really? Is he big? Could I take him?" He mocked, crossing his arms.

"No doubt. I can take him so you wouldn't have a problem." She smirked.

"Go shower." He hissed, turning away from her.

She laughed, closing the bathroom door as she stepped into it. He smiled too as he dropped onto his bed. He realized his parents would throw a fit if they came home to him just in a towel while sharing a bed with Alex. He stood and walked over to his suitcase to find clothes. After finding clean boxers, that he slid on, followed by some sweatpants, he decided to pack all his things.

Alex came out of the washroom. She was fully dressed as she patted her hair dry. She spotted Nathan bending over. A smirk spread across her lips as she tip toed towards him. She wound up her towel and rat-tailed his ass. He shot up and spun around.

His eyes narrowed at her. She just smiled and attempted to do it again. He grabbed the towel, pulling her over to him. She smiled up at him as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pecking her on the lips. She smiled into the kiss, but he only deepened it. She pulled away slowly, chuckling a bit.

"Slow down. Your parents will be back and in the room next to us later." She shook her head. "The walls are thin." She knocked on one.

"I don't care." He smiled, kissing her again. He trailed his lips down her neck but she pushed him back. "Al-"

"Not tonight! When we get back home." She promised, pecking his lips again. "Come lay with me."

She ran her hands down her arms as she walked backwards. Her hands got out of reach as she walked back to the bed. He watched her, a frown on his face. She dropped onto the bed, placing her hands behind her head as she sat half up.

"I'm packing!" He cried.

"I'd say." She smirked.

"You tell me to wait and then say shit like that." He huffed.

"You can last a day. You've lasted longer." She rolled her eyes. "Now come lay with me."

He tossed the towel onto the floor and let out a growl as he walked over to her. He crawled on top of her, hovering above her. She wrapped her hands around his neck, linking her fingers together. He held onto her torso, just below her chest as he brought his lips to hers.

He pulled away and fell to her left on the empty space of the bed. He laid on his back, resting his hands on his stomach. Alex rolled onto her side, cuddling into him. He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer. She rested her hand on his torso and started tracing shapes on it. He watched her do it, a small smile on his face.

Moments like this were what had helped him realize he loved Alex. She was the most caring girl he had ever met, in her own way. She wasn't overly affectionate by any means, some people even thought they were only friends at times, but he knew how she was really. From the first day, she knew how crazy his life was, and she was willing to stick it out for him.

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