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Alex laid between Nathan's legs with her back resting against his chest. He played with the hem of her, well, his shirt, as they sat there. His parents had gotten them their own room since she was now in Saskatoon. There was some lame movie on TV. Alex kept scoffing at the stupid things happening in it. Nathan just smiled at her. She grabbed his hands, lacing her fingers with his. He wrapped their arms around her while he pressed his lips to the top of her head.

"Do you remember," He paused for a moment. "How bad you were when we were kids?"

She laughed, nodding her head. "Why do you remember that? You didn't even know who I was."

"Everyone knew who you were, Al." He stated. "I remember when we had a split kindergarten class and you threw the doll house at that Bailey kid."

"My first boyfriend." She said. "My one true love."

He tightened his grip on her hands. "He ate sand."

"The heart wants what the heart wants." She shrugged.

He shook his head. "You were a terror my fifth grade year." He mentioned.

"Ah, fourth grade." She sighed. "My prime."

"I remember my teacher always had to come help your teacher with your class." He laughed.

"Do you remember in fifth grade when I flashed my training bra to the entire school?" She frowned.

"That was not you." He started laughing hard, Alex could feel it against her back.

"Yeah. I did a cartwheel for this assembly and my shirt went up." She explained.

"Oh, babe." He calmed down as he pressed his lips to her head. "So I almost saw you naked before we were even teenagers."

She smacked his arm. "I was the devil in sixth grade." She changed subjects.

"You threw a fan at someone." He continued. "And pushed her down the stairs."

"I threw scissors at someone too." She admitted. "Bad year all around."

"Seventh was pretty quiet. You just played sports." He thought back.

"And I was in band." She added.

"So cool." He mocked. She butted his chin with her head. "I went to all your games."

"Basketball and volleyball?"

"Every one. You sucked at volleyball." He taunted.

"I was so bad but I was starter." She shook her head.

"You're a natural at basketball." He informed her.

"I kinda miss it." She confessed, looking back at him.

"You haven't played since?" He frowned.

"I played every year except this year." She explained.

"Because you came with me." He sighed.

She shot up, turning to face him. She sat criss-crossed between his legs. "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Beat yourself up because I quit something. I chose to. It was all my decision." She said, holding his face.

"I just hate hearing you miss stuff that you used to do before me." He frowned.

"I'll take it up again next year. It's okay." She pecked his lips.

"Remember the camping trip we went on?" He changed the subject. "Like half our grades."

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