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"Nathan, I really need to talk to you." Alex breathed over the phone.

"Babe, we just landed in Anaheim and I'm exhausted. I'll text you." Nathan excused before hanging up.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She screamed, throwing her phone.

"Woah, hey." Alexa called as she walked in the room. The other three following behind her. "What's going on?"

"Nathan's a fucking idiot!" Alex cried, her eyes tearing from anger.

"Al," Kya frowned, walking over to her. "What'd he do?"

"I've been trying to talk to him about something for a week and he won't listen!" Alex explained. "It's important and he just doesn't care."

"What is it?" Megan asked, sitting down."Are you pr-"

"No, Alexa." Alex sighed.

"Then tell us!" Kya yelped.

Alex squeezed her eyes shut. She knew they were going to react bad no matter what she told them. If she said she was going to Germany and wasn't waiting to hear from Nathan, they'd get upset. If she told them she was staying in Denver for Nathan, they'd get just as upset. She knew it was bound to come so she decided to get it out. She took a deep breath.

"I got an internship, in Germany, and I haven't been able to talk to him about it." She explained. "I mean, I want to go, so much, but I don't want to leave him."

"Why not? He left you." Alexa spat.

"It's not that simple." Megan spoke up. "I get it, I've been with Matt for a long time too. Being in a relationship where you've seriously thought and spoke of your future together is different. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for each other."

Alex nodded. "I know he left me, but that was a once in a life time thing for him. Even if I don't go to Germany, I still have my internship here."

"Yeah, but Germany is once in a life time too, Al." Erica argued. "In three years, Nathan's still gonna be in the NHL. He'll still be in the same place. I don't think Germany is still gonna be waiting for you then."

Alex nodded. The topic changed and they were back to theirselves. Alex wasn't really. She was secretly thinking about Germany. She needed to go, right? That's what she wanted? She wanted to be away from everyone in a place she didn't know. No, she definitely didn't. But she also wanted to make a decision that would benefit herself for once. Although, it didn't make much of a change for her. She'd still have an internship no matter if she went to Germany or stayed in Denver.

The three girls went their own ways while Erica stayed in her dorm with Alex. Alex was laying in her bed, blankets wrapped around her. Erica shook her head, standing up and walking to Alex's bed. She ripped off the blanket. Alex frowned at her friend, rolling onto her back. Erica just shook her head again. She sat on the bed, leaning against Alex. Alex exhaled, a pout on her lips.

"I think you should go." Erica declared.

"So you get the dorm to yourself?" Alex smirked, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, so you can get the experience, Al." Erica sighed.

Alex sat up. "Do I really need the experience?" She pondered.

"Yeah, you do." Erica rolled her eyes. "You need to do something for yourself."

"What if I don't want to leave? What if I want to stay?" Alex snapped.

"Do you?" Erica quizzed.

"Kind of." Alex confessed. "I finally feel like I belong somewhere. Why do I want to leave that?"

"Because it's Germany! Who the fuck backs out on that?" Erica exclaimed.

"Me!" Alex yelled. "I'm so sick of everyone telling me what to do! If I want to go, I will! If I don't want to, I won't! Any decision I make is for myself!"

"Really? Because you've never made a decision for yourself before." Erica hissed, standing up.


"Are you honestly going to sit there and tell me that all the shit you did for Nathan when he played juniors wasn't for him?" Erica chuckled.

"I wasn't the person I am now back then." Alex stated.

"Debatable." Erica mumbled.

Alex narrowed her eyes. "You think I moved here specifically for Nathan, don't you?"

"I mean, you conveniently show up to the place he was drafted. Kinda seems like it." Erica shrugged.

"Honestly, Erica?" Alex gasped. "I shouldn't have to explain myself to you. Fuck you." Alex stood up.

She grabbed her gym bag and stuffed it with a bunch of clothes. She wasn't staying in a room with Erica tonight. Erica watched her pack. She took a deep breath. Alex slid on a pair of sandals and threw her bag over her shoulder. She looked at Erica once before she pulled open the door. Erica growled, chasing behind her.

"Al, wait-"

"That's what everyone thinks, isn't it?" Alex whispered.

"What?" Erica furrowed her brows.

"Everyone thinks I'm just Nathan's little puppy! That I just followed him out here!" Alex yelled, her eyes tearing in anger. "I came to be with my family and get an education at the one school I've always dreamed off. Nathan coming her was just some coincidence."

"Alex, I know. And everyone who matters knows. I was just mad because I don't want Nathan to control you like he did in N-"

"But he doesn't, Erica. I'm not that girl and our relationship isn't that way anymore." Alex huffed.

Erica frowned and hugged her friend. "Just stay here. I'm sorry. I just get angry and say-"

"It's okay. This was bound to come. We've never fought before." Alex laughed.

"This was hardly a fight." Erica rolled her eyes, leading Alex back into the room. "And by the way, Nathan is your little puppy, if anything."

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