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Nathan didn't believe it. He stood in line at the grocery store in shock. He didn't believe it was Alex standing at the register. She looked like Alex but she looked different as well. He assumed his mind was just playing tricks on him. He took a deep breath as he approached. She rung in his items and did some typing before she looked at him. It wasn't Alex. This girl had bright blue eyes and her eyebrows were blonde. Her hair wasn't even actually brown.

"Twenty four, fifteen." She said, smiling at him.

He handed a fifty and sighed. "Keep the change." He waved as he walked out.

He was going crazy. Everywhere he went, he saw her. He was still positive it was her in Five Guys nearly a week ago, but he couldn't think of why she'd be here. If she was avoiding him, she wouldn't have come to Denver. Maybe she came to visit her aunt before she headed to school, but he knew she wouldn't stay here.

Alex was losing it. Everywhere she went, she kept running into Nathan. She knew he knew it was her a week ago. She had changed up her hair, in hopes of hiding herself a bit better. She knew it was pointless. She knew she'd still be able to recognize Nathan if he did the same thing she did. The pair confused her. They weren't even together for two years, but they were still hung up on each other.

There were players out there who had to leave their girlfriends of multiple years and had no remorse, but her and Nathan were stuck. She felt her stomach turn every time she saw him. She'd go in a different direction or something to keep away from him. She didn't think she was strong enough to ignore him.

She saw the small red notification on her twitter icon. There was a 1 signifying that it was only one notification. She opened the app and saw it was a DM. She opened it to see Nathan. She took a deep breath and clicked it open.

Swear I've been seeing u everywhere. No chance ur in Denver lol?

She felt her heart stop. She wasn't going to answer. She full on deleted her twitter app. Erica was out so she was alone. She knew she wasn't strong enough to keep away from replying. She sighed, grabbing her MacBook and the chargers she needed. She pulled her blanket off her bed and draped it over her shoulders. She slid her feet into her slippers before moping across the hall.

She knocked once and Alexa opened the door. Alex frowned at her friend. Kya looked her over from the bed. Alex was in pajamas and was clutching her laptop to her body. Alexa stepped out of the way for her friend. Alex dragged herself over to Kya's bed and laid down beside her. She had a frown so Kya pulled her into a hug.

"I haven't been completely honest with you." Alex sighed.

Alexa sat down at the desk to finish her project. "Well, you can tell us anything." She smiled.

"Erica already knows but she is my roommate." Alex began. "You know how I mentioned a nasty break up I had before I moved here?" The other girls nodded. "And do you remember where I'm from?"

"Cole Slaw." Alexa teased.

"Cole Harbour," Kya corrected.

"And he left because of hockey."

"Yes." Alex took a deep breath.

She opened her laptop and googled Nathan. She scrolled to where it said his hometown. Kya furrowed her brows but read it over. Alexa came over and read over it. The pair froze and looked at each other. They looked to Alex after. She shrugged and slowly closed it. She looked down and took another deep breath.

"We broke up when he came here last year. He said we'd keep in touch but we didn't. He came home in the off season and we hooked up again. I lost my mind and called it off again before I came here." She paused. "He sent me a direct message today asking if I've been in Denver because I keep ending up wherever he is."

"Oh my god." Kya gasped. "That's why you went to the washroom when I went up to Tyson."

"That's why he ran over, freaking out about you." Alexa added.

"Wait, what?" Alex questioned.

"When you left, he came over and asked your name then ran out when I told him." Kya told her.

Alex felt her heart drop. She knew what was coming next. Tears poured from her eyes and she covered her face. Both her friends hugged her as she shook. She sat up, wiping her face. She grabbed her laptop and opened it. She closed the tab of Nathan and opened Skype and called Leah. Leah answered almost instantly.

"You're not crying right now." She frowned.

"I miss him." Alex sobbed. "I just told Kya and Alexa about it."

"Al, you need to decide if you want him in your life or not." Leah sighed.

"I don't know! I don't want to be with him but I can't only be his friend!" Alex whined.

Leah looked up from the camera. There was talking between her and someone with a deeper voice. The camera turned and it was Zach. Alex wiped her face, knowing what was coming. Zach smiled. She gave a small smile back.

"Alex, I think you should just keep doing what you're doing. If you run into him, just make small chat and then leave him." Zach explained. She nodded. "You're happy without him. Leave it at that."

"Am I really happy?" She cocked a brow.

"Yes, you are!" Leah yelled. The camera went back on her. "Stand your fucking ground and stop being so whiny."

Leah ended the call. Alex rolled her eyes and closed her laptop. Kya and Alexa looked at each other, frowns on their faces. Alex growled and dropped back on Kya's bed. Kya laid down beside her.

"Reply to him." She said.

"And what do I say?" Alex huffed.

"Say you were in town but left." Alexa suggested as she walked back to her desk.

Alex inhaled and grabbed her phone. Kya rested beside her and watched as she redownloaded twitter. Once she opened the app and went to her DMs, she exhaled. She clicked Nathan's message and typed out her message. She debated on using emojis or not and decided it would make it less awkward.

I was there for a bit just to see some family. Didn't see you face to face but your face is everywhere in this city ;)

She pressed send and buried her face in Kya's shoulder. Her phone buzzed and she swallowed hard. She peeked and saw it was just a text. She went to her messages. It was Jo. He was yelling at her. She rolled her eyes and locked her phone. Too much had happened that night.

Nathan frowned when he read the message Alex sent him. He missed his chance to see her. He was mad at himself. He dialled Jo's number. No answer. They didn't talk as much as they used to. Jo was busy in Tampa and Nathan here. He hated it but it was a part of life. He decided on an early night. He had thought too much through the day.

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