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Alex was more than happy when Nathan told her she was allowed to come to the events he had to attend for the draft. They held hands as they walked through. He was waving and smiling at everyone while she stood at his side. Eventually, she had gotten bored and found her way to Jo and Zach. They were standing with some other draft picks, but quickly turned to her.

The three stood around and made jokes about everything. They laughed at people's outfits, they laughed at things each other had said. They were getting kind of loud so they decided to quiet down. Nathan spotted them and stomped over. Alex wasn't positive but he looked angry. He came over and grabbed her wrist.

"We need to talk." He said through gritted teeth as he pulled her away from Jo and Zach.

She pulled her arm out of his grasp. "That hurt." She told him, rubbing her wrist.

He frowned, grabbing it gently and pressing his lips to it. "I'm sorry, but do you have any idea how you were making me look?" He hissed.

"What do you mean? I was standing with Jo and Zach." She furrowed her brows.

"Exactly!" He exclaimed. "My girlfriend walked away from me to go talk to my best friends. That's not suspicious?"

"It's not because one of your best friends has a girlfriend and the other one is seeing my best friend." She spat. "Look, let's just go back. I'll stay with you."

"No, you already embarrassed me." He shook his head.

Her jaw dropped "I embarrassed you? Are you fucking kidding me?"

"This isn't helping." He stated.

She went to speak but stopped herself.  She just shook her head and walked off. He followed behind her. She walked over to Jo and Zach where her things were. She grabbed her bag, phone, and sun glasses. Nathan hovered behind her. She looked at the confused French boys in front of her.

"Sorry, I've been an embarrassment tonight so I have to go." She spat, giving Nathan a look before she took off.

Nathan sighed, following her. "Alex, you don't get it!" He called when they were outside.

"No, you're right! I don't!" She yelled. "I don't get how your girlfriend of over a year can embarrass you by doing nothing, but what do I know?"

"I'm the number one draft pick. Everyone in there is watching me like a fucking hawk!" He screamed.

"What was I doing to make you look bad?" She gasped.

"Hanging with guys that aren't me." He stated, as if it was obvious.

She closed her eyes, exhaling. "Whatever, Nathan. I don't want to ruin your night so just go have fun." She waved him off, turning away.

"I'm not letting you leave if you're upset." He frowned.

"I'm fine, honestly, I get it. Just go back inside." She reassured him.

"Come in w-"

"No! Just go, Nathan!" She yelped. He opened his mouth to speak. "I am upset but I get it. I just-"

"Then I'm not-"

"I'm not upset with you. Just go back inside, please." She walked over to him, grabbing his face. "I love you. Go have fun."

She kissed him gently before she walked away. She made her way back to their hotel. She got to their room and kicked off her heels. She let out a deep breath as she unzipped her dress. It fell to the ground and she left it. She dropped face down in the bed. She was in her undergarments only, but she couldn't care less. She realized she had make up on and let out a growl as she rose. She found a shirt of Nathan's and slid it on, tearing her bra off.

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