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It was happening. Alex's worst fear had happened. She was out for dinner with Erica and she ran into Nathan again. Full on, ran into him. They were at some restaurant and she stood to go to the washroom, turned, and smacked into him. She escaped quickly to the washroom, not positive if he recognized her. She looked out to see if the coast was clear. It was.

She took a deep breath as she walked over to Erica. She sat down across from her, letting the breath out. Erica shook her head as she ate. Alex rolled her eyes. They ate in silence before Erica put down her utensils and crossed her hands. Alex knew what was about to be said so she shook her head.

"Oh, just go up to him!" Erica exclaimed.

"No way in hell." Alex scoffed.

"He knows you're here. You're probably driving him crazy." Erica scolded.

"I don't want to be his friend, Er. He fucked me over." Alex spat.

They ate in silence. Erica knew she had no right to meddle with Alex's life but she also knew Alex missed Nathan. She just wanted to see her friend happy. They finished their food and Alex went to the washroom again. Erica took a deep breath and made sure Alex was out of view. Erica walked over to Nathan, who was walking to the door. She hurried her step and grabbed his arm.

"Nathan, right?" She asked, looking up at him.

He nodded at the girl who couldn't be more than five foot. "You were at Five Guys a while back! Kya's friend." He smiled.

"Yeah. Uh, I'm Erica." She started. "Look, I know about you and your ex, Alex."


"She's my roommate and I'm out with her right now. I know you keep running into her and it's probably driving you insane not knowing if it's actually her but it is and here's my number." Erica handed him a slip of paper. "Don't approach her about it. I'll just keep you updated on where she is until you can make your move."

Nathan stared at the paper in his hand. He met eyes with the small girl in front of him. She smiled and nodded at him before she ran back to a table. Ryan came over and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts. They walked to Ryan's car in silence. Nathan texted Erica. They made a plan to get Nathan to run into Alex every chance he got.

Nathan couldn't tell anyone. What he was doing could be classified as stalking. But it wasn't like he was finding out where she was on his own, he had someone with her always texting him. He showed up at the mall while she was there with friends. They locked eyes as he walked past the store she was in.

The next place he saw her was at a bar. He conveniently bumped her as he walked to the bar for a drink. He spotted Erica after he ran into Alex. She winked at him and he nodded back. She was either a great friend or a really bad friend.

The final time, and the night he decided he would approach her, was at a team event. Tyson had asked Kya to come with, to which she suggested her friend for Ryan and her other two friends who were hockey fans. He prayed it wasn't Alex coming for Ryan. Erica had texted Nathan that they had arrived. He excused himself from the group he was in. He walked over to where she said they were.

A girl with dark hair, to one side, in a purple gradient dress was sanding at Tyson's side. He had his fingers laced with hers. Nathan smiled a bit. He assumed it was Kya. Ryan was talking with a blonde. Definitely wasn't Alex. The blonde had a white dress that was tight fitting. Her hair was in an up do. He spotted Erica. She was in a blue dress with an open back. Her hair was straight and she was staring him down. He approached her.

"Red dress, messy blondish-brown hair. Your girl. Make your move, kid." She pointed.

Nathan's eyes followed. He met a red dress. Her hair had gotten longer since the first time he saw her in Denver. The blonde was almost fully out of it. She was curvy and it was causing everything in him to not let out a moan. He looked her over. She threw back her head in a laugh. He looked up to see her chatting with Gabe. He felt his heart stop.

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