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The flight to Tradeau seemed a lot longer than it was. Nathan fell asleep, his head on Alex's shoulder. That was for the first hour and a half. For the last two hours, Alex had pulled her knees to her chest. She was freezing. She leaned into Nathan. He draped his sweater over her legs and body, wrapping an arm around her. This is what he missed. The closeness of them through their entire relationship. When the seatbelt light came on, he buckled her without waking her.

She woke up to the rough landing. As opened her eyes and only saw the material of his t-shirt. She sat up slowly, catching his sweater before it fell. She looked it over before meeting his eyes. He just smiled and took it from her. She smiled back. She hated how nice he was being. It was more than friendly too. She took a deep breath as the plane came to a halt.

Alex undid her belt and stood. Nathan did as well. He reached into the cubby and handed her her carry on. He grabbed his and stepped back so she could step into the pile up in the aisle. They slowly made it to the front where she heard one of the stewardess talking about Nathan. It made Alex heat up. She slowed her pace so Nathan was closer to her body. The stewardess noticed and the colour fell from her face. Thankfully, Nathan remained unaware.

They walked side by side to the luggage claim. They stood silently, waiting for the machine to come on. Nathan's eyes wandered before he decided on checking his phone. He pulled it out, switched off airplane mode, and waited again. After three seconds top, his phone was going off like crazy. He growled as he waited for it to stop. Alex chuckled.

"Comes with the territory?" She smirked.

He rolled his eyes. "Shut up." He looked at his phone. The only message he cared was the one from Zach. "Zach's already here."

"Tell him we'll be out as soon as possible." She instructed.

The machine eventually came on and Nathan grabbed both suitcases quickly. She tried to take her own but he ignored her and dragged it outside. Zach was sitting out front of the airport in his car, Jo in the passenger's seat. He looked miserable. Alex frowned as she followed Nathan. The trunk popped open and he put the suitcases in it. Alex climbed into the back seat, behind Jo, and leaned forward to kiss Zach's cheek. He smiled. Next, she kissed Jo's.

"In law!" She exclaimed. He tried to fight his smile. "Don't act like you aren't thrilled to be related to me."

Nathan climbed in beside her. He closed the door and with that, they were off. Everyone in the wedding party was expected at the Drouin household for a get together, then, there was hotel rooms rented for everyone. The dress rehearsal was that night, and the wedding was tomorrow. Alex realized that she'd have to stay in a room with Nathan for two days. She exhaled slowly.

"So where's L-"

"We broke up." Jo cut her off.

"What the fuck? Why?" Alex gasped.

"We weren't working out." He said, not breaking his gaze from out the window.

"Jo, what the fuck?" She growled. "What wasn't working? I need to know more."

"She didn't want to do long distance anymore so I came back to see her and she was gone." He explained. Alex pulled out her phone, dialling Leah's number. "You won't get her. She's gone exploring. She's somewhere in Africa or something."

Alex frowned, sitting back. There was an eerie silence. Jo leaned forward, flicking on the radio. Some new Drake song played. It was to fill the silence. They drove slowly but eventually got to Jo's home. He climbed out of the car instantly and walked into the house. Alex frowned at Zach. He sent the same look to her. He walked into the house. She looked to Nathan who was going through his things. She walked over to him.

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