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Alex sat with Dana, Alexa, Erica, and Kya. Apparently all their friends that had agreed to come down for Christmas had bailed. Dana came still, and the guys would come once their seasons ended. She sighed and tossed her phone to the centre of the bed. All the other girls looked at it. She just rolled her eyes and laid back.

"Nathan's kissing up to me." She explained. "But I'm gonna go over and talk to him. I'll be back though."

"Probably won't be. You need to throw in make up sex." Dana smirked.

Alex rolled her eyes again. "Probably not."

She made her way out of the dorm and drove to Nathan's. She had her own key so that wasn't a concern. She parked in his driveway, knowing his car was in the garage. She wouldn't be staying so there was no need to park in it.

She walked to his door and into his messy house that she had decided to clean. She just tidied up what she could do quickly and washed any dishes. She finished and walked to his room to sleep for a bit before he came back. She needed to rest before she lost her mind.

Nathan thanked Ryan as he climbed out of his car. He thought about running up to his door but decided against it. He dragged his suitcase behind him as he walked down his pathway. He smiled at Alex's car parked in his driveway. He knew she was mad but he couldn't wait to see her.

He unlocked the door and walked inside. Her shoes were kicked off by the door. He laughed. He noticed she had cleaned up around the house. He took a deep breath.

"Al?" He called.

He knew she was probably asleep in his bed. She loved his bed. He heard movement before his door opened. He looked up at the stairs. She walked to the top of them. He smiled at her. She waved to him. He waved back. He walked to the bottom of the stairs. She slowly made her way down. She was still mad but she was happy to see him. She stopped on the stair in front of him. He gave her a kiss before she pulled away.

"We need to talk." She stated.

"Why did you let the girls get you mad at me?" He spat, his mood instantly changing.

"The girls got me mad at you? The girls were looking out for me!" She yelled, walking past him.

"Because you aren't in my best friends on Snapchat? Really, Alex?" He gawked.

"No, not because I'm not, because she is!" She explained. "That's your ex, is it not?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" He rolled his eyes.

"Wouldn't she be upset if you were still snapchatting me when you were with her?" She crossed her arms.

"Yeah, but Vanessa would have reason to be! I love you and I always have, she's nothing compared to you, Alex!" He cried. "No girl is ever going to mean as much as you."

"Then why do you need to talk to her?" She breathed.

"She sends me things, I don't answer her. The last time I snapchatted her was weeks ago." He said, his voice calm as he walked over to her.

"Have you been texting her?" She pursed her lips.

"No, no one but you." He sighed, rubbing her shoulders.

She nodded letting out a breath. She sunk into his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. She uncrossed hers and pulled him into a hug. He kissed the top of her head, causing her to smile.

A ring of the doorbell interrupted their moment. She frowned as she pulled back. He gave her a long kiss before he walked to the door. Alex walked to the couch as he went to the door. She looked over when he pulled it open.

"Nate!" A female yelped before leaping on him.

Alex furrowed her brows and looked. It was the girl from Snapchat. Vanessa leaned back and brought him into a kiss. Alex shook her head. Nathan pulled back from Vanessa right away. She pouted up at him. Nathan looked to Alex instantly. She was walking over to them. She had a smile on her face. She slid on her shoes and looked at Nathan and Vanessa.

"Have a nice night, you two." She sang as she walked past.

"Alex, wait!" Nathan called, following her. "I don't know why she's here!"

"You invited me down for Christmas." Vanessa frowned.

"Months ago! You knew I was back with Al!" He yelled at her.

Vanessa rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Nathan." She growled and stomped away.

Nathan and Alex watched her stomp down the street. She was crying on her phone. Alex looked at Nathan and shook her head. She turned, stomping to her car. Nathan chased behind her. She climbed in and slammed the door. He opened it and stood there. She sighed, smacking her hands on her thighs. She looked up at him with a glare.

"Can you please let me go?" She begged.

"No way." He shook his head.

"Go be with Vanessa! Go stop her from crying!" She shouted.

"I don't care about Vanessa. What do I have to do to prove that to you?" He growled.

"Mean it?" She spat.

He pulled out his phone. He sat on Alex, showing her his phone screen. He deleted Vanessa from Snapchat, then unfollowed her on his social medias. He deleted her number and then looked to Alex. She was just frowning at him. He stood up getting frustrated. She just looked at him with a blank expression.

"Just let me go, Nathan." She sighed. "We can talk tomorrow. I'm just tired."

"Stay here." He begged.

She shook her head. "Let me go, please."

He sighed, nodding. He leaned down and pecked her lips. She gave him a small smile and buckled up. She closed the door and drove off. Vanessa was still out front of Nathan's house. She looked back at him. He shook his head and walked into his house. He wasn't dealing with that tonight.

He closed his door, locking it behind him. He moped up to his bed and dropped onto it. He sent Alex a text to text him when she was home. She didn't.

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