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Erica walked in the door, instantly freezing. Her brows furrowed and she took in the scene around her. Alex had suitcases and clothes everywhere. Music blared but Alex was no where in sight. She came out of the washroom and jumped. Erica jumped as well. She tucked a colourful bag into one of the suitcases. Erica assumed it was her toiletries.

"So, you've made your decision without consulting Nathan?" Erica asked, walking over to her bed.

"I can't consult Nathan. Every time we talk or text, right before I go to bring it up, he has to go." Alex hissed, stuffing clothes in her suitcase. "It's like he knows and he's avoiding it."

"I doubt it's that. He's just tired and busy." Erica tried to reason.

"Well I'm tired too and I think I should go." Alex stated, zipping up the suitcase.

"Do what you want, but don't do it if you're just trying to get back at Nathan." Erica reasoned.

"That's not it. I just think Germany would be good for me." Alex smiled.

"And you're gonna keep in touch, right?" Erica cocked a brow.

"My last name isn't MacKinnon." Alex smirked.

"Yet." Erica sang.

The next day, Alex set off for the airport early. Her aunt drove her. She texted everyone "see you soon"'s, knowing she'd be back in three months. She spent her last night with Erica, Kya, Alexa, and Megan. She was upset that she hadn't seen Nathan before she left, but she was more upset that he hadn't bothered to talk to her about the decision. Her flight didn't leave for hours, but she didn't want anyone to have the chance to change her mind.

On the other side, Nathan woke up early, just so he could surprise Alex with breakfast. He didn't drive over when he landed from Minnesota, being more than exhausted. He drove to her dorm with breakfast ready for her. He almost dropped it when he knocked on the door and saw her empty bed when Erica pulled the door open. Erica frowned up at him, wrapping her arms around himself. His jaw hung open while brows furrowed. He just stared at the bed. Erica grabbed his arm.

"She left for the airport an hour ago." She explained.

"She's just leaving? Where is she going?" He questioned Erica.

"You'd know if you gave her a minute of your time lately." She growled. "She got an internship in Germany. She wanted to talk to you about it first but you've been too busy."

"I'm never too busy for her." He frowned. "Why didn't she j-"

"Nathan, shut up and go get her. She doesn't even really want to leave, she just doesn't think you care." Erica growled.

Nathan nodded. He turned out the door then turned back to Erica. He set the breakfast in her hand before he raced off. The speed he drove to the airport, was lethal. He couldn't believe he hadn't been pulled over or chased or something. But he made it to the airport. He made it in under ten minutes. He ran in and read the board. There were no direct flights to Germany. He growled. He went through security and then ran through the gates. That's when he spotted her. How could he miss her in his sweater?

"Alex," He breathed to himself before he ran to her. "Al, ya gotta stay." He panted.

"Oh, suddenly you care?" She spat, standing up.

"I've always cared, Alex! Always! I just," He took a deep breath. "When someone says 'we need to talk', it's human nature to freak out a bit."

Alex's features softened. "You thought I was going to break up with you?" She asked.

"Kind of!" He confessed. "You just started talking about how we needed to talk and I couldn't think of any other reason to talk. We were doing great!"

"Nathan, if I wanted to break up," She stopped. "I wouldn't want to break up. I just wanted us to talk about this trip before I made the decision because that's what couples are supposed to do."

He frowned. "I never asked you before I made a lot of decisions back in,"

"That was different. I was on board for that." She grabbed his hands. "Do you really want me to stay?"

He nodded slowly. "But I don't want to be the reason you sell yourself short."

"Honestly, I don't even want to go." She admitted. "I'm terrified of living on my own, especially somewhere I don't even speak the language of. Plus, Germans are scary."

He smiled, wrapping his arms around her. "Stay with me then."

She nodded into his chest, hugging him back. This was where she belonged. Denver was her new home. He kissed the top of her head. He stroked her hair a couple times before he pulled back. He held onto her face. She stared up in confusion.

"I really do care, Alex. I care so much about everything about you. I care about your hopes and wants and dreams and," He stopped himself. "I care about you more than anyone else in the world. That's because you are my world."

She kissed him softly. "You tell me this all the time. I know you care, Nate." She shut him up.

"I don't tell you it enough." He frowned. "I should be reminding you how much you mean to me every fucking day."

She smiled, stroking her cheek with her thumb. "You can always start now."

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