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Nathan woke up in a panic on Friday morning. He had fallen asleep in his bed beside Alex, and now she was gone. He shot up and ran downstairs. His mom walked in the door, smiling at him. He furrowed his brows.

"Where's Alex?" He asked.

"Her mom called her this morning and said she wanted her home so I drove her. She'll be there tonight with," Kathy stopped, trying to remember who Alex had said.

"Leah and Marina." Sarah called from the living room.

Kathy pointed in the direction of her daughter. "Them. I gave her extras." She smiled, tapping his shoulder as she walked past.

"Can I go over to her house before the game?" He requested, following his mom.

Kathy frowned, looking over to Sarah who was making the same face. Nathan saw the exchange between the two. Kathy ignored him as she started cleaning up the kitchen. He looked between them, waiting for an answer. He let out a growl, like a child.

"Mom?" He whined.

"I don't think so, Nate. She was really upset when she came down. Just wait until tonight." Kathy explained.

He nodded, walking up to his room. He dropped on his bed to try and sleep some more. It didn't work. He reached for his phone on his bedside table. It wasn't there. He growled, realizing he had fallen asleep on it. He began searching his blankets for it. With no luck, he hung over the side of his bed. He spotted it under it, grabbing it and sitting back up. He texted Alex right away.

Babe, I don't know what's going on with your mom but it's probably my fault and I'm sorry. Text me when you can.

He started to play around on his phone. Answering his texts from the guys, checking twitter and Instagram. He settled for playing games on his phone. He only wanted Alex to text him back. He had no other reason for being up. Her message appeared at the top of the screen. He clicked it right away.

We can talk after the game. Good luck, I love you.

Nathan frowned. He didn't want to wait until after the game. He knew if they won, he'd have to wait even longer to talk. He lifted his phone, texting back.

I'll pick you up before I go. I'm not waiting until after or I'll be off.

She agreed and they made plans for when he'd be getting her and the girls. She mentioned not to forget Jo and Nathan said he never could. Alex knew Nathan would be sick of texting sooner than later. It was no surprise to her when his name popped up with "Accept" and "Decline" below it. She accepted.

"You know what I was thinking?" She said as she sat cross-legged on her bed.


"We totally need to put Jo and Leah in the back together." She smirked.

"Mar will kill us." He laughed.

"But Lee and Jo are so into each other." Alex sighed, falling back onto her bed.

"We need someone for Mar." He teased.

"She's talking to some guy on Cape Brenton." Alex explained.

Nathan gasped. "I feel so betrayed." He confessed. "How did she even meet someone out there?"

"Remember when we all drove down for your game against them?" She began. He hummed a 'yes'. "Remember how we got there three hours before you?" He chuckled. "We had time to kill and she ran into one of them."

"That's not okay." He argued. "She's property of the Mooseheads."

"Apparently not." She scoffed.

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